Hi Ravi, to be very honest, the deadline was announced too late. Is there any possibility of extending it? Most academicians are super busy these days but would certainly like to contribute.


 Snehal M Shekatkar
Pune, India

Feb 9, 2021, 18:26 by ravi@anche.no:
We have proposal to publish a statement on fsf.org.in urging
especially educational institutes to adopt free software for video
conferencing and avoid Zoom, Google Meet and other nonfree software.

We had a meeting about this and created the very rough first draft. We
have just collected the points but have not organized them yet. The
pad link is here https://pad.disroot.org/p/videoconferencing . Please
send your comments/suggestions as a reply in the mailing list or
directly in the pad.

I forgot to mention that the last date to comment is 9th Feb 2021.

A gentle reminder that today is the last date to comment.

Ravi Dwivedi
My PGP key https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/430F5BE41D681CD30711B9AE4D03223060B98062
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