
This is an invitation to join NITC FOSS Meet 2006. The latest version of this document is availbale in wiki form at http://fci.wikicities.com/wiki/Calicut/NIT/FOSS_Meet/06/Invitation

Praveen A

NIT Calicut, formerly known as REC Calicut is hosting a two day FOSS event on 18th [Saturday] and 19th [Sunday] of March 2006 ( NITC FOSS Meet 2006 ). It is the second edition of the event [Last year it was called FLOSS Meet]

The event has grown from last years 4 speakers/3 talks/one day to 13 speakers/10 talks + 2 workshops/bofs and more/two days.

It is part of the ongoing effort from the FOSS EDU group to popularise FOSS among students. FOSS EDU already conducted successful events at BMS College of Engineering, PES Institute of Technology , [Bangalore/MCC| Mount Carmel College]], Sapthagiri College of Engineering (all in Bangalore). Our next destination after NIT Calicut is MSRIT , Bangalore. NITC FOSS Meet is a part of the FOSS Month 2006 celebrations

FOSS EDU group is started as an offort to provide FOSS Education tools customised for Indian educational institutions. The first step in this direction is to produce a dollar one encyclopedia, ie, to bring out a CD/DVD edition of wikipedia.

Now back to the event details. 9 Talks + 2 Workshops March 18,19 2006

Apart from the scheduled talks there will be bofs on various topics like we saw in FOSS.IN

Looking forward to your support and participation.

            "GNU is the system, and Linux is the  kernel."
A proud GNU user http://www.gnu.org
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr