2006/2/27, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati <rakesh_ambati@yahoo.com>:

Sorry couldn't find your comments before as it was
quite a long post.

It happens at times, especially on a monday :-)

> If we get a green signal from BMSCE then we can fix
> it this Saturaday or
> Sunday. Nirmal  what do you think?

I had spoken to Nirmal before he left for hyderabad he
would be back in couple of days. I'll try to pass this
information to him over phone.

It seems that the videos of GPLv3 MIT event are
online, if possible we can all watch them either at
BMS college event this week or at any other GNU(s)
Grazing gathering.

It would be great to have the videos for the event.

It seems we need to have some grass :-)
> Hmm.. Last time there was a lady wearing a Microsoft
> T-shirt with an MSDN
> logo watching us :-) ( I saw someone mentioning
> about it)

Das the smart chap mentioned this anomaly to me after
we left the park. ho how I wish that I had the chance
of catching her spying on us. Perhaps we could have
had a nice slap-stick style comedy show hosted by your
official jester arky ;o)

I saw her circling around us. we missed  great fun :-)

> Yeah, It would be great to have a gnu.org.in mailing
> list.
> fsug-bangalore@gnu.org.in looks cool and we need to
> move the archives too.

This work will certainly gonna take some time as we
have to send in the request of FSFI.Don't hold your
breath. Meanwhile lets use the existing facilities.

Cool enough.

            "GNU is the system, and Linux is the  kernel."
A proud GNU user http://www.gnu.org
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr