Hello Renuka!

My advice

In my experience exploring different FLOSS tools like Cinelerra, Kino, Kdenlive, Open movie editor,  Openshot video editor, VideoCut... etc

For video editing, I can tell you, that the best option is the PiTiVi video editor


I agree with the professor Nagarjuna, that Kdenlive is a good alternative, but in my experience using kdenlive i ever have some problems with it, because the sound support is not so good.

But now with PiTiVi you don't have this problem, because is handled by the GStreamer multimedia framework. This means that if you have installed all the Gstreamer codecs, you can edit all kind of multimedia formats and files.

For me, is a simple but powerful tool with a very good performance that also have a very simple, friendly and intuitive graphical interface.

Regards form Colombia - South America


Jose David Cuartas Correa
Development Team Manager
ATOMIC Authoring Tool
Sologico Libre Fundation

--- On Fri, 12/11/09, renuka prasad <renukaprasadb@gmail.com> wrote:

From: renuka prasad <renukaprasadb@gmail.com>
Subject: [FSUG-Bangalore] which the the best FOSS movie editing and mixing software like pinnacle or neuando
To: "Free Software Users Group - Bangalore" <fsug-bangalore@mm.gnu.org.in>
Date: Friday, December 11, 2009, 9:34 AM

hi all

could you please tell me the best alternate / replacement for softwares like  pinnacle or neuando

intention is to use those in a digital studio, so which an all softwares are required

thanks in advance

renuka prasad

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