Hi Thanks i resloved the issuce i just created a favicon.ico and plavced it in my document root and the erroe was gone .....bu that was part of the problem lies with postfixadmin... i have configured postfix on my linux system and have configured postfixadmin ( connected to mysql databases) . To administer the virtual domaina, when i log to the main admin pannel and add a mail box to a domain it says "unable to create mailbox! " however when i check the mysql datatbase, there is an entry in the mailbox table. there are no logs genereated in my /var/log/maillog . or any where else .......
can some one help me with this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am really stuck
On 8/29/07, Vipul Mathur vipul@linux-delhi.org wrote:
On 8/29/07, Agnello George agnello.dsouza@gmail.com wrote:
However there is the following log generated in /var/log/httpd/error_log [Wed Aug 29 16:18:21 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/favicon.ico
can some one tell me what does this mean
No reason for alarm. This is normal. Browsers request for the favicon.ico file for every new website you visit. This is the file that is displayed beside the URL in the address bar of the browser. If you want to avoid this error from cluttering up your logs, create an empty file (or put an actual .ico) there.