Did you edit the /etc/exports file it should be like

/usr/local ..........

will give access to the machine with this IP to mount your /usr/local as read only. you can use the names of the machine also. But then check for DNS also.

/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny check these files also ,, hmmmm it is ok to keep them empty....

Then start the portmapper on your server ( make one machine as server ).

Then start the nfsd ( this will start the required deamons ).

At Client side you can do:-

mount servername or IP:/usr/local /mnt/local.

Well i think this should help you....





 satyajit balkrishna saste wrote:

I am having trouble sharing files in linux using
NFS.I have a network of two comps.
We have used the following commands:
#/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start
#/etc/rc.d/init.d/netfs start
and then the mount command:
#mount -t nfs faisal:/home /stuff
----where faisal is the m/c name of the 1'st comp,
home the directory I want to access & I am
mounting it into the /stuff folder
.....Satyajit saste
B.E Computers
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