MSN has already moved on to 22nd century, it seems. When I try to go to Options > Personal Profile, it says, ".net Passport no longer supports your browser. Please upgrade to a current Web Browser."
I'm using Galeon 1.2 for heavens' sake!!
--- Tahir Hashmi (VSE, NCST) tahir AT ncst DOT ernet DOT in __________________________________ We, the rest of humanity, wish GNU luck and Godspeed
On Sun, 19 May 2002 00:37:55 Philip S Tellis wrote:
All hotmail users, note that Microsoft has changed their privacy settings, and have decided to share your personal information with third parties. If you're a user, login, go to Options > Personal Profile, and un-check the boxes at the bottom of that page.
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On May 19, 2002 at 11:02, Tahir Hashmi wrote:
MSN has already moved on to 22nd century, it seems. When I try to go to Options > Personal Profile, it says, ".net Passport no longer supports your browser. Please upgrade to a current Web Browser."
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Translation: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.
Its the same with Mozilla 0.9.9 Build ID:2002051319
Thus spoke Tahir Hashmi (
MSN has already moved on to 22nd century, it seems. When I try to go to Options > Personal Profile, it says, ".net Passport no longer supports your browser. Please upgrade to a current Web Browser."
I'm using Galeon 1.2 for heavens' sake!!
Sometime Today, Tahir Hashmi assembled some asciibets to say:
MSN has already moved on to 22nd century, it seems. When I try to go to Options > Personal Profile, it says, ".net Passport no longer supports your browser. Please upgrade to a current Web Browser."
well, I use lynx, and I had no problem through the hotmail interface. passport requires that the useragent string say MSIE or Netscape (Mozilla and Galeon won't do). I think galeon lets you fake the UA string.