Society for Promotion of Alternative Computing and Employment is
is an intiative for promotion of Free software in Kerala.
We are looking for candiates with basic knowledge of GNU/Linux
Operating System and philosophy and good organisational
skills. Applicant must have conversational skills in Malayalam
language. Programming skills in GNU/Linux Operating System is
advantageous. Send your resume to contact(a)
Vimal Joseph
Free Software, Free Society <>
TUX is the "first and only magazine for the new [GNU]Linux user". See Currently issue number 8 (November 2005) is
available on "the stands". What more, it's available for a free
I did download the issue of May 2005. Just as an illustration, here are
some of the easy-to-understand articles it contains:
* Can anyone use [GNU]Linux?
* Viva La [GNU]Linux Desktop Revolucion
* Q&A with Mango Parfait. Mango Parfait introduces herself,
answers her own …
[View More]questions with astounding facility and
invites you to ask her your own questions. Don't be shy.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
* Home Plate: Movies and More -- Life with Xine
* Suited up: The Cuts and Pastes of Productivity
* Tux Explains: Linking Users with Their Data
* Tux Explains: Be the Master of All You Survey: Using Konqueror for
File Management and Domination.
* Tux Explains: All about Screensavers, and Why you Want to Run Them
* Tux Explains: Going Guru -- Michael's Top GIMP Tips
* Reviews: Adding PDF Power to * Abiword *
Gaim * Rhythmbox * Totem Movie Player
* The light and dark side of [GNU]Linux multimedia... Did you know that
all these films include computer animation rendered using GNU/Linux?
The movies are: The Incredibles, Shrek, Shrek 2, Lord of the Rings,
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Titanic, Ice Age, Spawn,
Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron, Sphere, Peter Pan, Bunny,
Barbie of Swan Lake, Joe Fly & Sanchez, Los Gringos and
The Night of the Headless Horsemen.
Frederick 'FN' Noronha |
Saligao, Goa, India | fred(a)
Independent Journalist | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9822122436
[View Less]
How to help Free/Open Source Projects
I am writing this article after I took into account if i was doing
something for promoting Open/Free Source Projects .
How many times has that rescue CD we use has saved Us?
How many times has the free/Open source software that comes bundled
with some Gnu/Linux Distro proved a lot to us or that Live Gnu/Linux
Cd helped us and we have felt proud of possessing that
How many times we have been able to stand up against pirated software
[View More]with our help high along with the Free/Open Source software that works
along with other copyrighted Platforms as well ?
How many times have we been helped by some expert on any forum?
I hope not many of us can take into account the above in pure numeric terms .
What Have we done to promote Free/Open source related projects?
Very few of these projects have the support of sponsors(maybe 2%-5% of
these projects)These projects do require some encouragement and some
monetary encouragement also to survive with the resources required to
keep them running.
Good projects receive some donations in form of Money or resources
such as Internet Bandwidth (Mirror for downloading software),Computer
Hardware for their development or Server . I do not know about any
team that has been making big profits from the donations they receive
. These just suffice them to keep their projects alive and kicking.
Helping these projects is necessary as they provide this premium
collection of software for free .Else they will also start charging
for the premium version or to sign up for some help forum.Already some
Distros and Software Vendors have started following this
strategy.After all they too need to upgrade themselves to survive.
These projects can e helped in some way or the other
some of them that i could think of
Donate some Money directly to these Organizations.
A good way can be through ,from where you can choose
various organizations who will benefit from any money you donate.(the
minimum amount you can donate is 5$)
Buy the Free Cds that are available for download, directly from these
Organizations ,that way also you can help them and you can get some
more premium service.
Many of these Organization carry ads of their sponsors, these can
fetch some some money(although meagre) for the User Clicks they
generate.Visiting their sponsors can also help them.
Help them while offering a Download Mirror for their Software/Distro,
this wil reduce the Bandwidth Cost for such Organizations.In india
there is dearth of such download mirrors.Corporates/Educational
Institutes can get involved here if they provide the required
bandwidth for non-office hours only.
There are many other ways for helping these organizations. I do not
know how many of us might have helped such Organizations but i think a
sum of 5$-20$ can be donated on a yearly basis to any such
gaurav masand
my site:
my blog:
my project:
[View Less]
An interesting article from Guido Sohne guido at on the GKD
mailing list. -FN
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Guido Sohne
Sent: November 4, 2005 6:26 PM
To: gkd(a)
Subject: [GKD] Some Differences Between Free and Proprietary Software
Dear GKD Members:
I wrote this with the intent of informing decision makers who are facing
a decision of 'open source' versus 'proprietary software' to understand
the choice they are making by explaining the context in an …
[View More]approachable
-- G.
Some Differences Between Free And Proprietary Software
* Introduction
This article is an attempt to dissect some differences between free and
proprietary software in an accessible manner, free from jargon and the
techno-gobbledegook dialect favored by some technical people.
* Two Different Worlds
Proprietary software is created by organizations that seek to maximize
profit by restricting production. The usual and common objective of such
organizations is to operate and maintain a continued revenue stream, for
maximum profit. Restricted production and the continued revenue
objective result in a dependency syndrome for users - they can't ever
stop paying.
Proprietary software is mainly provided by companies that use the
access-restrictions of copyright laws to maintain well-defined segments
across their markets as well as to maintain barriers to market entry by
competitors as a means of maximizing revenue across market segments by
trying to minimize the costs of dealing with competitive threats, thus
helping to maximize profits.
>From a modern microeconomic perspective the business secret aspect of
intellectual property is only one part of a multi-faceted set
ofprofit-maximization tactics firms can and do employ, in either freely
competitive, oligopolized or monopolized markets.
Other related tactics include marketing and support expenditures that
can make market entry more expensive or that can help lock-in consumers.
Firms engaged in such behaviour, often are unwilling to share their
technologies, especially those beyond the development capacity of most
of the market, as an additional means of restricting competition by
restricting the availability of the product.
Free software, on the other hand, has no profit motivations as its basis
for organization. Instead, free software seeks to ensure that there are
as few restrictions to software production as possible. Free software
does not make a distinction between the level of access granted to the
product given to its users and that given to its developers.
Free software maximizes the potential for production to occur.
Unfettered by the profit motive and guided by higher ideals of freedom,
sharing and communal ownership of knowledge, free software is more
oriented towards the product and its development and far less attuned to
anti-competitive business strategies, necessitated by its goal of
minimizing restriction to the software product.
It is important to note here, that this sort of anti-competitive
behaviour described is not limited to the software industry but rather
permeates much of the status quo for business practices in industries
that produce digital goods (software, music, film). The popular
grassroots movement that is the basis of the increased usage and utility
of free software is at the core, a rejection of this anti-competitive
behaviour and this is evident in their clarion call for increased
* Licensing of Software
Software licenses are contracts attached to the software, either in raw
or finished form, that determine the expectations, rights and
obligations of the parties to the contract. As used by software
producing organizations, licenses are primarily a means to either
restrict, or ensure access to the product in both its raw and finished
Restricted production licenses usually differentiate between access to
the product in its raw form and in its finished form. Such licenses
often only grant access to users on the basis they are the only
permitted user of the finished form of the software product that has
been given access to the software. Other users must also buy licenses
for continued revenue and maximum profit.
Free software licenses operate by removing the distinction between raw
and finished form, emphasizing the raw form as the actual software
product. If the software comes in finished form, the raw form of the
software must be present or readily accessible. This is in line with the
free software objective of ensuring that there are as few restrictions
on production as possible.
Free software licenses often block restriction of the software product
by restricting use of the software to exclude scenarios or situations
that result in restrictions being placed on the software that would have
adverse effects on production.
* Locked In Competition For Users
Software licenses are almost always centered around the user of the
software. On one hand are organizations seeking maximum profit and on
the other hand are organizations seeking maximum access (unrestricted
access to the software product).
However, developers are those with the ability to utilize unrestricted
access. In the free software world, the user can be a developer too. In
the proprietary software world, other developers are often 'the enemy'
because it is only other developers who can create a competing product.
And in between this war between worlds of developers, stands the hapless
user ...
Significant resources are devoted to proprietary software in order for
it to appeal and compete for the expenditure of users. Restricting
users' access to the software by supplying it solely in finished form
causes more effort to be placed into making the software usable by
ordinary users (as opposed to developers).
In this manner, proprietary software evolves to be biased heavily to the
ordinary user, often at the same time making it hard or impossible for
other developers (who are also users of the software) to work with the
software in its raw form. The proprietary software approach of
restricting production to finished form also biases the productive
options available to overwhelmingly favor the organization owning the
software product.
In the case of companies like Microsoft, whose software comes
preinstalled on the vast majority of computers being sold, the user
often has no choice but to use the software. Any other route often
results in more work for the user. They have to go and find some other
software and get it installed. When they do so, they encounter
incompatibilities, which incidentally, are in favor of Microsoft
maintaining its monopoly by making it easier just to stay with Microsoft
products, which of course, work well together.
The resulting state of affairs is in total contradiction to the free
software goal of ensuring minimal restrictions on software production
and software choice for the end user or individual developer. Free
software accomplishes this by predominantly taking a 'laissez-faire'
approach to ordinary users as well as to its developers.
The only restriction faced by developers when producing free software is
in integrating their own improvements to the source code. This
restriction arises from the free software goal of maximizing the
efficiency of software production.
If there are no restrictions on changes to the raw form of the product,
it quickly becomes buggy or unstable unless the developers are of
equivalent skill or are familiar with the code involved, otherwise it
devolves into a hodgepodge that just doesn't work. Only well thought
out and well tested changes should ideally make it into the software
product, and even this is best done in a gradual, incremental manner.
This necessary mechanism for restricting software production in a manner
that maximizes efficiency takes the shape of the other developers of the
software, who by fiat, consensus, war, politics or rewriting the
affected code constitute a peer review mechanism operating around the
goal of production efficiency within their common visions and
Developers have the choice to do what they please and often prefer to do
what pleases them at the expense of the ordinary user, who is assumed
not to understand the specific benefits of the particular improvement.
On the other hand, users or organizations have the opportunity to
encourage developers by giving them incentives to work on improvements
preferred by the user.
This interplay between the two types of users (technical and
non-technical) of free software evolves into a symbiotic relationship,
where the developer has no reason to work if no one will use his work,
and the users have no choice but to depend on a developer to do what
they cannot do for them. Both benefit, each contributing to the
resources needed for production.
* Differences in Organization of Labor
The mode in which labor (developers working to maintain or enhance the
product) is organized differs between the proprietary and commercial
Organizations producing proprietary software, being mostly driven by the
profit motive, and restricting production need to be able to control
ownership of the software and at the same time utilize developers to
make changes or improvements to the software while maximizing profit.
Organizations producing free software are often places where individuals
interested in producing the software are employed because the
organization and the individual have aligned interests for the software.
This is because the free software development process is organized on
the basis of individuals. Organizations are represented only by an
individual, and such individuals have influence proportionate to their
contribution to the software product. Free software often operates as a
self organized, developer centric culture resting on individual
reputation and esteem in the eyes of the rest of the team.
Comparing the two methods of production, it could be concluded that
proprietary software developers seek to maximize income while free
software developers seek to maximize their contribution to, and
influence over, the software product itself.
* Mode Of Production
In order to achieve this, these organizations hire developers and pay
them for their contribution to the software product. Done as a work for
hire, the ownership of the product, primarily exercised through
copyright, remains with the organization that hired the developer.
The cost of developers and the general cost of doing business translates
into a total cost for production that must be recouped by sales to
users. The price at which the product is sold depends on how many users
choose to use the software, or how many users are compelled or coerced
to use the software.
With free software, the general cost of doing business is often
incidental and not central to the objectives of people or organizations
producing it. Maximum access to successful free software products often
results in multiple organizations making changes or contributions to the
If one of the organizations participating in the free software
development process disappears or changes its objectives and abandons
the software, the other organizations are not affected. At the same
time, the developers working on free software are often still available
to different degrees of availability even when their organization
collapses, because the raw form of the software product is not
restricted to the organization only. They can continue working and may
even join the organizations remaining.
Due to this, the free software development process results in software
products that exhibit robustness even in the face of adverse economic
circumstances. In such cases, the efficiency of development is even
increased because the developers will have more time to work on changes
to the products that they prefer, while being underemployed with respect
to potential output. The ability to utilize underemployment effectively
is a strong contributing factor to the efficiency of the free software
development process.
Additionally, free software development reduces the perceived cost of
developing software by distributing the cost of development across all
the participants in the process. This is in contrast to the proprietary
software development process, where the cost of development is
distributed across the user base and results in lower prices for the
user. These lower prices are partly due to the increased supply due to
the absence of restricted production.
* Conclusion
Proprietary and free software are different approaches to producing
software products that are competing for users and resources.
Proprietary software development restricts access to the software
product by prohibiting copying but free software development encourages
access to the software product by prohibiting restrictions on copying.
Proprietary software development is most efficient at maximizing profits
but free software development is most efficient at maximizing
The choice is always up to you, the user of the software, in how to
exercise your interests.
***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization*** To post
a message, send it to: <gkd(a)> To subscribe or unsubscribe,
send a message to: <majordomo(a)>. In the 1st line of the
message type: subscribe gkd OR type: unsubscribe gkd Archives of
previous GKD messages can be found at: <>
[View Less]
Hi Friends,
KSTA, school teachers union in Kerala is distributing custom debian
CDs and installation manuals around Kerala.
More and more schools moving towards free software.
"Spreading the Spirit of GNU/Linux"
ISSUE 51 | November 3rd 2005
Linux Newbie
Everybody's Guide to …
[View More]OpenDocument
Sorting out the facts from the errors and omissions in recent
reaction to Massachusetts' announcement to use OpenDocument.
A lot of misinformation about the OpenDocument digital format
has started to appear in the mainstream media and interest
groups. Answers to many questions on the topic already have
appeared, but they are written by techies for techies. This
article is different, however. You can print out this one and
pass it on to everyone, regardless of their computer skill
Read Full:-
General News & Views
MySQL 5.0 Ready To Download
The newest version of the open-source MySQL database went
final Monday, and is now available for free download, its
developer' said.
Swedish-based MySQL AB said that 5.0 of its namesake database
boasts new stored procedures, views that will protect
sensitive information from unauthorized users, and an
information schema to give companies access to database
Other new features include a migration manager that helps
users move data from SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle,
and other databases; updated, high-performance editions of
ODBC, Java, and .Net database drives; and a tool that lets
administrators stop or start a MySQL server from a remote
Read Full:-
Sun releases Jini with open-source license
Jini was originally released in 1999 as a way to link
consumer devices to Sun's Java software. But companies using
the Jini software have been using it mainly for corporate
computing jobs such as grid computing and clustered servers,
according to Sun executives.
The software is specifically designed for building Java
applications that rely on widely distributed components. For
example, Sun uses Jini as part of its radio frequency
identification software, which runs in small warehouse RFID
Read Full:-
Quake 4 for GNU/Linux is available now
Quake 4 for GNU/Linux is available now! The installer has
been uploaded to our ftp and on the bittorrent tracker. We're
very pleased to announce that this it with both a dedicated
server and a native client.
A licensed copy of Quake 4 retail for Windows(r) is required
You will copy the assets files from it and use the CD key ( a
CD key is not required to run a dedicated server ) ..
Read Full:-
America's Army 2.5.0 for Linux is out
Software Corner
openSUSE inspires derivative distros
Just two months ago, Novell opened the development process
behind SUSE Linux, creating the openSUSE project. Novell's
move gave developers a chance to be involved in SUSE, which
previously had been developed privately without community
input. In the short time since openSUSE was unveiled,
developers have begun work on several new and interesting
SUSE derivatives...
Read Full Details:-
CLI Magic: GNU find
Don't you just hate it when you can't find a file you need,
but you know it's on your computer? Wouldn't you like an easy
way to track down files anywhere on your computer? If so, I
have good news for you, a command available to you at the
friendly Linux CLI called find.
You know what they say, the CLI is such an essential part of
the operating system that running an OS without one is like
traveling blind. Getting to know the GNU find command can
help you better understand why that is true. Climb down out
of your GUI for awhile, and let's see what we can find...
Read Full Details:-
Resources: Hands On
Quick and Dirty Data Extraction in AWK
Need to pull some data from text--maybe e-mail messages--and
sort it, graph it or otherwise manipulate it? Here's an AWK
script to use as a starting point.
Many years ago, probably close to 20, a regular point was
made on the comp Usenet newsgroups about using the minimum
tool to get the job done. That is, someone would ask for a
quick and dirty way to do something. The followups often
included a C solution followed by an AWK solution followed by
a sed solution and so on....
Read Full Article:-
What to do when apt-get fails
When you install an application package in a Debian-based
system, sometimes prerequisite application packages are
unavailable. These missing packages are known as broken
dependencies. Left unresolved, they can cripple your system's
ability to install new packages.
They're a disaster that isn't supposed to happen in Debian,
thanks to the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) and the scripts
contained in Debian packages. That makes broken dependencies
all the more devastating when they happen. Some users have
even been known to reinstall the whole operating system,
despairing of otherwise having a functioning package
management system. However, depending on how the broken
dependencies arose, you have several options to try before
you consider reinstalling...
Read Full Details:-
So You'd Like To Use MySQL...
n this article, Jon Stephens shares how you can obtain and
install a MySQL database for your Linux system. He provides
lots of beginner instructions including use of the MySQL
Monitor, a tool for using and adminstering MySQL that's part
of the basic distribution. The article also delves into the
introduction for securing your MySQL database. Written to
encourage further use of LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP), the
article helps anyone apply the power of MySQL in their
Read Full Details:-
Reviews & Opinions
Why do people switch to Linux?
During the last month, we conducted a survey of readers who
use Linux. We asked them why they switched to Linux and
received a plethora of answers. Surprisingly, anti-Microsoft
sentiment had less to do with the choice than one might
Could the pundits have it all wrong? Is it possible that
Linux stands on its own merits? Most Linux users would yes.
Use of Linux does not represent a rebellion against Microsoft
and Linux stands on its own as a user preference.
In this article, we will look at excerpts from the survey and
see why people have adopted Linux. You might find the reasons
interesting, maybe fascinating and probably not what you
Read Full:
A Firefox Fan's Perspective of the Flock Browser
If you're a Mozilla Firefox user, you will probably notice
the close resemblance Flock has with Firefox. Though the
browser is in fact based on Firefox, Bart Decrem, the team
leader of the project, says Flock won't be forking the
Firefox codebase. Still this Flock preview on the outside
looks like Firefox but with a different theme. So would a
Firefox user be missing anything by sticking with Firefox?
Let's explore some of the features that makes Flock different
from the rest...
Read Full:
Google Opens Up About Open Source
Google Inc. and Sun Microsystems Inc. will release a
Web-based StarOffice desktop suite. Google will soon announce
a new operating system.
The truth isn't anything as dramatic, but it does show a
company that not only supports open source, but relies on it
every day to keep the best-known search engine and allied
businesses running...
More At:,1895,1877924,00.asp
Free and Open Source Software for E-learning
During the discussion held from 1-25 June 2004 over 200 links
were shared and proposed by the participants. More links have
been identified and added as the discussion continues. This
reference list of links is an outcome of your inputs and has
been compiled to provide some guidance on the wealth of
resources related to FOSS for e-learning on the web.
An attempt has also been made to direct the attention of the
more technically advanced user to specific resources. In such
a case, the category is marked...
More At:
India Specific
India, with its population of one-billion plus, has a rich
tech talent, considerable interest in Free and Open Source
Software (FOSS), and a network of some 80-plus user groups
across its landmass (some active, some less). This offers
wide potential.
There are many links to what's happening in and around India
on the FLOSS scene. Compiled and edited by Frederick Noronha
More At:
Subscription Information
- To join, just send a blank email with subject as "Join
linux newsletter" to: lintuxnews(a)
- To unsubscribe send a blank email with "unsubscribe linux"
as subject to: lintuxnews(a)
This newsletter may contain links to sites on the Internet
which are owned and operated by third parties. I am not
responsible for the availability of, and/or the content
located on or through, any such third-party sites. All
Content may or maynot be By their Creators
Copyleft 2004-05
Nithin Kamath,
[View Less]
Note: I have CCed this email to the mailing list of `Free Software
Foundation`, so that you can get more inputs on the same issue.
eGov INDIA <egovindia(a)> writes:
> Can you write exactly some of the things need to be adopted by
> GOI to get all documents in OPEN STANDARD DOCUMENT. Which
> programs are vailable on OSS and other formats.
The most commonly used open format for publishing documents is the
PDF format. It was formerly proprietary but has become open. HTML
[View More]is yet another format. Recently, some corporate and community
initiatives have brought about the Open Document Format (ODF)
standard., which aims at stardizing the document format and
keeping it open across all platforms.
One approach would be to use the (OO.o). OO.o is a
popular 'Free/Libre Open Source' Office suite which can handle a
number of open formats including the ODF (since version 2.0)
onwards. The OO.o has support to convert documents written in the
ODF to HTML, PDF and other supported formats. This would be as
easy as typing the content in Microsoft Word and then doing a
`Save As` to various types of outputs.
The above approach would be suitable for a technically
not-so-capable person to publish the document in a open format.
A more professional (and recommended) approach would be to use the
LaTeX document preparation system. This would require a person
skilled in LaTeX. In this model, the document is typed using any
text editor and is similar to HTML. Then the LaTeX document is
processed using the 'latex' program with suitable commandline
parameters to convert it to a PDF or HTML file. The LaTeX document
preparation model has been standardised, and there are various
implementations to process the LaTeX files., and covert them to
required forms. 'MikTex' is a Free Software latex implemention on
Windows. A LaTeX implementation is a vital part of every GNU/Linux
distribution. The presentation for all related documents can be
customised using one single 'style file'.
LaTeX is basically a macro language built over the TeX typesetting
system written by Donald E Knuth., and is used around the world
for publications of all kinds varying from books, letters,
technical documents, etc.
So., what can be done is.,
- A style file should be created to give a common layout and
look-and-feel for all the related documents.
- The documents should be written using the LaTeX document
preparation model.
- Then using programs like 'pdflatex', 'latex' and related
tools., the LaTeX documents can be converted to PDF, HTML, DVI
and other such presentable formats.
I would personally recommend the second approach (of using LaTeX),
since it is more flexible towards the maintenance of the documents
in the longer run., as all the actual source files would be just
plain text.
Thanks Sincerely,
> Joe Steeve <joe_steeve(a)> wrote:
> This is in similar note to the post by Mr.Kush Singh. The
> Constitution of India (COI), is available at the
> However, the files are available
> only the Microsoft Word format.
> The COI and other related documents should be easily reachable
> by all citizens of the country. The Microsoft Word Document
> format is a proprietary format which is controlled by Microsoft
> alone. And, Microsoft has changed the format a number of times
> from MS Office 97 to the latest Office XP. Each, time it has
> forced the users to move to the new format because of features
> and incompatibility reasons. Microsoft office is an expensive
> software. Its standard edition costs close to Rs15,000., and
> another low priced student/teacher edition costs somewhere near
> Rs7000. That cost is still high for many people of India even
> when they can afford a computer and Internet. The pattern in
> which the change of format over the various versions of
> Microsoft Word clearly signals the business motive of the
> company without regards to its user base. These are some of the
> reasons for the recent choice of Open Document format in the
> state of Massachusetts in the USA. And., I'm sure many other
> governments would follow.
> When important documents such as the COI are released in a
> proprietary format like the Word Document format, it becomes
> inaccessible to a large scale of citizens. And., morover it is
> shows a government bias towards a private body.
> Hence, it is very necessary that all government documents be
> provided in Open Formats such as PDF, OpenDocument, XML, HTML,
> etc. I was happy to see some recent documents
> (,
> (, being
> published as a PDF. But all the older documents need to be
> converted to a Open Format. Also., it would be really nice if
> these documents where available for online browsing in HTML
> format. I know it is hard to maintain two formats., but there
> are ways to do this using Free Software tools (using LaTeX,
> TeXinfo, ..).
> I hope someone in the related departments would take note of
> this. Thank you.
.O. A proud GNU user
[View Less]
>I had posted a message on the discussions
>list regarding the Phoenix project yesterday - have
>you seen it? I think it's a nice project which we can
>up as part of the FSF stall .. let me know what you
>think about it.
i could not make out the license for the software part of Phoenix project.Opened the code files as well.
As a project Phoenix is very exciting.
I would encourage you to put it as a separate demo on its own.
Note: I do not represent views of …
[View More]FSF-India.These are my personal views.
You could engage gnu(at) for details
Enjoy your Freedom,use GNU/Linux.
[View Less]