Hi All,
I have been perusing the Indian Copyright Office website at
In that website copyright is talked about as some sort of author's
special rights. If that is the real purpose of the copyright act,
then why does it allow the transfer of copyright from one person (or
organisation) to another?
Does it make sense to ask for an amendment to make the copyright
non-transferable? IANAL, hence this question. Any thoughts on this?
Some of the +ve effects of such clause would be,
1. The authors would always be in control. The publishers can
license the work from the authors.
2. If the author dies, the copyrighted work gets to public domain.
Or inherited by his/her family.
3. No author can be forced or pressurized to transfer copyright. For
example, if you want us to publish your paper you have to transfer
the copyright to us. (http://cr.yp.to/writing/ieee.html).
All your comments are welcome. Thank you.
This is also reproduced here.
"Three women cannot deliver 1 baby in three months" - analogy on R&D
time planning
On 4/6/06, Gaurav Mishra <gauravtechie(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Prabhat Sandheliya <prabhat.news(a)gmail.com>
> Date: Apr 5, 2006 3:30 PM
> Subject: [Fsf-friends] Ankit Fadia : The real picture
> To: Fsf-friends(a)mm.gnu.org.in
> Yesterday (03-04-2006)I attended a seminar by a so-called "Hacking Guru"
> Ankit Fadia, at DAVV, Indore (MP) auditorium. I just want to share my
> feelings with you.
> The Seminar was a complete failure, though it was attended by about well
> over 100 people, but was a complete disaster.
> The very first thing by which I was offended badly was using the sacred word
> "Hacking" to demonstrate something we, the hackers, call cracking. The
> seminar topic was "Ethical Hacking", now I want to ask Mr Fadia, what is
> unethical about hacking ? Hacking is very positive word and there in no need
> to put "Ethical" before it. By the way his seminar topic should be "Ethical
> Cracking".
> If you really want to become a hacker, please read an article by a real
> hacker, Eric Steven Raymond (ESR). The man who changed the history by
> writing a paper "Cathedral and Bazaar". please read the article here :
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html< http://www.catb.org/%7Eesr/faqs/hacker-howto.html>
> The people who can not differentiate between hacking and cracking, should
> read an article by the GOD of hackers Richad M Stallman (RMS), the man who
> started GNU movement all by himself. The gcc (compiler), gdb (debugger),
> emacs (editor) are some of the most popular softwares in the world written
> by him. Please read the article here :
> http://www.outpost9.com/reference/jargon/jargon_69.html
> The things Fadia demonstrated were ancient techniques used by crackers to
> break into some one's machine. Now a days even 10 year olds can download
> these tools from Internet to control others' machines. Can we call them
> hackers ?? If he calls it hacking, I doubt if he understands the term even
> "Cracking", leave hacking altogether. This childish behavior is called
> script kiddie.
> IP spoofing, SQL Injection, password cracking softwares, Trojan horse
> programs, these are the tools of cyber criminals. So I wonder what is the
> significance of the term "Ethical" here ??
> In the entire session I kept waiting for some program or utility, written by
> himself. But I don't thing he had something like this to share with
> audience. The entire session was demonstration of third party utilities, and
> the saddest thing was no mention of the name of any author of any utility.
> He didn't care to give some credits to the utility developers. What a shame
> !!!
> Mr Fadia, I real hacker always respect the creativity of others, and before
> using their work proper credits are given, this is the hacker's attitude.
> It's not like that, you download something from Internet, use it and forget
> the person, who made it. That's pretty mean.
> Second most annoying thing was that he calls himself a "hacker" and was
> using a Windows XP operating system ????
> I have been in to computers for the past 10 years and I never come across
> any real hacker who uses Windows. I met Brian(Apache creator), Andy Cleen,
> Alon cox, Rusty (all networking gods), RMS (the GOD himself) but all of them
> were using some or other form of Unix or Linux.
> Come on, MR Fadia, Windows is the worst OS in the world, full of security
> holes, so what is the point to break into a Windows machine ???? What do
> you want to prove ????
> He only once mentioned Linux, just to tell how you can use it's live CD to
> boot a Windows machine and cracke the password.
> Actually, before attending the seminar, I Googled a lot about Fadia and his
> work. But what I could find was self acclaiming statement by Fadia about
> himself and his future and just crap, crap and crap by technology illiterate
> Indian news papers' reports.
> I just want to share my findings with you.
> Vulnerabilities patches by Fadia = 0 (He may know how to break
> in, but doesn't know how to fix up)
> Bugtraq id's by Fadia = 0
> Hacking / Security tool by fadia = 0 (He simply Goolge and
> download the tools from Internet, that's not cracking. Actual cracker
> is the
> programmer, but Fadia never ever gives due credits. Now that's not hacking,
> that's
> stealing)
> Any open source software by Fadia = 0 (He is afraid of suggesting
> Linux to people, 'coz it's secure)
> Any Linux or Windows software security patch = 0
> Any recommendation or recognition by Real Hacker Community = 0 (They
> laugh at him. He is just a kid)
> Software / Cryptography patents by Fadia = 0
> Algorithms by Fadia = 0
> Any official citation by FBI/CIA/CBI for Fadia = 0 (They don't even
> bother about any explanation)
> Any confirmation of his self-claims = 0 (Nobody, expect
> him knows, if they are real)
> Any confirmation of him decrypting Osama's message = 0
> (Hahahahahahahaha)
> Any original technical tutorial or book by Fadia = 0 (He simply copy
> the things and never he never ever gives due credits to the
> original authors.)
> Any originality in his tutes or books = 0 (Hahahahahahaha)
> Skill level of Fadia = Only God
> knows !!!
> I tried to read a few books by him, but to my wonder some part of his books
> are nothing but simple "copy and paste" material from well known sites for
> Windows registry editing. Please visit www.winguides.com and compare the
> material with his first book. Oh God ! this is the clear violation of
> intellectual property rights of the website. Please inform the webmaster. I
> have done it already.
> I was astonished by the course he came to promote here, "Ethical hacker
> certified by Ankit Fadia" ! He sill is child in hacking field, and he is
> giving the certificates for hacking ????? And worst thing, Reliance web
> world is promoting it. What a shame !!! Have all gone mad ? Can't they see
> ?
> Unfortunately, question and answer round was cut from the seminar, that's
> also because of Fadia arrived there one hour late. Well, that's India's
> celebrity style statement. Otherwise, I would have asked all these questions
> to him there only.
> Anyways, I went to him at the end of the seminar, and asked if Windows is so
> vulnerable, can he suggest audience to use Linux rather than Windows. And
> the reply came was straight "NO". What a shame ???
> I understood the reason, why he said no. The reason is same why Microsoft
> does not patch up it's OS. Plain economics. If you make system secure with
> Linux who is going to ask for people like Fadia, so called "security expert"
> ???
> I want to make an appeal to all of you, please make all of your friends
> aware of these facts. Let one should not get undeserved advantage. I also
> want to appeal news papers, please do not make a hero out of nothing. Stop
> polluting the honest media by prejudiced reports.
> And at the end I want to tell Mr Fadia, that I don't have any personal
> problem with you or your achievements, but please behave properly in hacking
> community. We hackers are very positive people we never ever try to harm
> anybody, until he comes to our or our philosophy's way. Please stop calling
> your self a hacker, if does not understand the hacker culture.
> And for god sake, stop behaving like a child, now you are in college, so
> GROW UP !!!
> Prabhat.
> PS : I am sending this mail to Mr Fadia, Reliance web world, most of Linux
> mailing lists and all of my friends. Please post your comments.lug-indore(a)googlegroups.com
hi prabhat,
Thanks for taking initiative. let me add some more.
I attended his seminar yesterday at I2IT,pune . This time also he
didnt get time for questions-answers .In his seminar, he defined
'hackers' - good people who work with security guy for ethical purpose
and 'crackers' - computer criminals who steals passwords, does
financial harms, etc. Now, his seminar was full of password cracking
tools. he taught there - How to do attacks on site with hiding their
identity. how can we use trojans to harm to remote computer. howto
send forged emails. how can one deface website and how can he order
jewelry for free with love demo.
My claim - Is this comes under ethical hacking or cracking as per
your definition? do public really need to be taught these things to
secure their machines? and why dont you encourage them to use secure
browsers like opera, mozilla? if he says many websites/proprietary
softwares steals users information, why not ask them to move to open
source world? why you do not tell them that most secure way of using
internet is to use net as non-root user in linux box? :-\
people here are talking about ankit fadia like hes the next jesus
because he is young and wrote a book. whats so hard about that? , you
can compile the information from the internet ,rewrite it and throw in
some remarks about this you understand, then make it read nice and you
have a book. he said he wrote his first book in 15 days.
my claim - I could have done same in 2 days. ;-)
if u think he is quite young , then compare him with all those 12-13
years old kids from US who wrote big viruses/worms that caused
billions of dollars damage to US.
he does not talk about stack manipulation, reversing os hooks ,
kernel data structures. he does not owe any security research. He just
keeps knowledge abt how hackers hack. Is that make him big hacker? and
if he is so big hacker, why doesnt defcon , blackhat meetings
entertain him?
In his doordarshan interview, he told that he is working for many
multinational security companies and can not revel their names for
security reasons. =)) =))
My claim - I am working for a single multinational security company
that is on the top of all your fucking companies and can not revel
their names for the same. :-D
ankit's own opinion abt his book(copy-pasted from
http://neworder.box.sk/forum.php?did=edge317&thread=23811 )
I am not at all the youngest hacker in the world and definitely not
even the youngest writer in the world, neither do I have any desire to
become so. The media has been responsible for giving me titles, which
I am no way going to accept. I do not know everything there is to know
about computer security and believe that every single individual
registered at Neworder can definitely teach me a lot.... My first book
is strictly meant for newbies who are starting out in the hacking
scene. It does not talk about much advanced stuff and may not be
useful to seasoned computer security experts.
for more analysis - read all postings
So... he says his book is for newbies... for those of you whoever
found his book facinating, you are newbie. There is a lot to learn
about hacking.
From hindustan times
The Americans had tried almost everything, but they just couldn't
crack an encrypted message they came across while investigating the
9/11 attacks. Finally, they approached a 17-year-old boy in Delhi
about whom The New York Times had done a feature. Over the next 10
days, Ankit Fadia hunkered down in his room in Delhi and came up with
the key to crack the message.
so what was NIST,NCSC and NSA were doing at that time? they created
cryptography standards, algorithms and they need ankit to recognize
their own algorithms implemented. cryptography is one of the most
complex mathematics division!! NSA is the largest employer of
mathematicians in the world !!!
And what was ankit doing when NIST announced 'call for algorithm' for
AES? and how does classified intelligence agency in which he works
allow him to disclose that he decrypted laden's men's message?
my claim - this agency came to me first for decryption. but I was
involved in secret project of NASA that time. =))
Actually Osama has not been tracked till now. The question comes, why
U.S. government did not continue to take help of Ankit till osama is
physically captured??
If u search on the google for ankit fadia, this will be the first link.
His claim is that he found in chat conversation that pakistani hackers
are going to hack some indian site and he reported it to US spy
organisation and that spy organisation warned that site. So what is he
doing when 50-60 indian sites are hacked by paki group daily? Here is
the AIC(Anti India Crew - paki hacker group) explanation about above
rediff article on the defaced website
and even if somebody heard hacking chat conversation and reported to
that site, is that make him big hacker?
and why didnt he accept challenge of AIC when AIC has announced that
it would be defacing the website of the Central Board of Excise and
Customs , www.cbec.gov.in within two days and challenged Ankit Fadia
to prevent the defacement?
let me give it a final shot.
his own website ankitfadia.com was hacked.(it seems that he sold this
domain to some search engine company these days.)
he says he could not do anything as it was dos attack. In his rediff
article he told he uploaded site with anti-cracking software and
stopped site from being hacked. then how did dos attack finished his
own site? even his company website - e2-labs.com was defaced.
check http://zone-h.org/en/news/read/id=3861/
Then why is he so popular?? because Indian people dont verify
information. Media likes to create hype. can you recall uri gellar?
some days ago, ankit said he is going to open food restaurant in pune.
media stated - running restaurant is just a trick. he is doing some
secret projects. =)) =))
now do you still believe he is good hacker?
he said he receives 150-200 fan mails a day. lets all linux users in
India mail him 1 harsh mail a day.
yogesh chavan
cslug and plug member
Bringing free software to the masses
Ingrid Marson <mailroomuk(a)zdnet.com>
April 13, 2006, 13:15 BST
Peter Brown, the executive director of the Free Software Foundation, hopes
to 'get the message of free software outside the hacker world
You'd think it would be easy to research the right-hand man of a free
software icon, given the mass of information about the free software
movement on the Internet. But a search for "Peter Brown" — the executive
director of the Free Software Foundation — and "free software" produces only
14,000 hits on Google and little information about his past.
So when we visited the Foundation's headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts it
was a surprise to discover a clean-cut, suited English man from Oxford, who
was quite so different from FSF founder Richard Stallman with his impressive
beard and baggy clothes.
Their backgrounds are also totally different. While Stallman is a
programmer, having almost single-handedly developed the original version of
applications such as Emacs and the GNU C Compiler, Brown has a background in
business and finance, and only dabbled with coding when he was in his teens.
But despite these differences, the two men share the same goal — in basic
terms freedom around software, but more specifically to give people the
freedom to run software for any purpose, to study and adapt that software,
passing on the improvements to the public and to freely redistribute copies
of the software.
Both men are responsible for the overall direction of the Free Software
Foundation and seem to offer complementary skills, with Brown coming across
as more of a pragmatist than Stallman, whose idealism and drive to fulfil
his goals has led him to spend his life telling people across the world
about free software.
ZDNet UK met with Brown last week to learn more about some of the
Foundation's upcoming projects, how the FSF is run and funded, and what he
feels makes the organisation so special.
Read the full interview
Photos: Inside the Free Software Foundation
"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
-- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr
Cross posting.
CK Raju
----original message-------
Hello All,
Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi, is conducting and
two weeks training program starting from 22-May-06 for physics teachers
from Indian Universities and colleges. Maximum number of participants is
Mailing list members are requested to convey this message to teachers
interested in Physics laboratory experiments.
For online registration visit
Ajith Kumar B.P.
To unsubscribe from this list send a mail to
phoenix-project-request_AT_freelists.org with the word unsubscribe in the subject line. (Needless to say _AT_ replaced by @ )
Nagarjun replies to a long thread in ilug Mumbai about Free Software and
Open Source
Clarifies a lot of doubts.
See the thread here
This is a reply to the entire thread so far, so not quoting any of
I wish to clarify the difference by example, between OSS and <free>
(swatantra/mukta/ajadi) software.
Take 'Pine', an email client, releases source code, you can modify the
sources, but can't distribute the changes you make according to pine
license. Such a software is open source according to OSI. So,
opening is not enough, we need the freedom to distribute the changes
we make. Similarly 'scilab', a scientific application, is open source
but not a <free> software.
Therefore, all <free> software is open source, but not vice versa. So,
free software is a proper subset of open source software.
However, the number of open source applications that are not free
software is very very tiny. So, it is also correct to say MOST open
source applications are free software. Count the number of
applications, not the number of licenses, to get the correct inclusion
relation between them. If, OSI excludes those few applications that do
not give the freedom to distribute the changes, then all <free>
software is open source and vice versa. FSF should not change its
stand is very clear, if you see how carefully the <free> software is
defined. OSI's definition is left vague. May be business thrives by
being vague. Let us ask OSI to modify their license listing policy.
The use of the term 'open source' by the OSI may have created a nice
term for the tongue, but at the cost of freedom. But, as I told you
MOST open source applications do give you the freedom anyway. Still,
it is surprising that OSI advocates seldom talk of the values like
freedom. They continue to fetch contracts from govt and companies by
arguing that oss is economical. Remember, they said they wanted to
eliminate precisely this problem when they chose 'open' in place of
'free'. Did they succeed in clarifying? Certainly not.
Open source adherents talk of total cost of ownership, while <free>
software people say freedom is always expensive for we need to protect
it constantly. That is why I always end my speach with: "Run for
freedom even if it is expensive!" In order to sustain freedom we need
to constantly work against the tendencies that try to take away our
freedom. Metaphorically, a system must do work to maintain its
stability, other wise the system will tend to a state of higher
entropy. <Free> software community is an open system, like a living
organism, takes feed from the environment and sustains itself by
working against non-free software and those who promote them.
I agree with the interpretation that <free> software is a social,
cultural movement with wider implications to the future of human
society. open source movement, if at all it is, emphasizes technology
and a development model. I have no disagreements with their
development model.
If only OSI mends their licensing list policy, the differences between
<free> and open source community will become thinner, if not disappear.
"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
-- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr
is the bandipur trek the only way to discuss about the august event. kindly lemme know in case i need to visit b'lore for the same
Warm Regards
Mishi Choudhary
is the bandipur trek the only way to discuss about the august event. kindly lemme know in case i need to visit b'lore for the same
Warm Regards
Mishi Choudhary
I would like to know if there is an annual free
software event held in India?
I believe the Free Software, Free Society Conference
(http://fsfs.hipatia.net/) is held in a different
country, each year?
Software Freedom Day, and other GLUG events are
primarily local to the place or city where they
belong, and they are not exclusively free software.
I believe, an event in India for free software will
greatly help our cause.
Any thoughts?
Shakthi Kannan
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