Students want to contribute to Free Software and earn some money
during this summer can apply for Google Summer or Code with
Swathanthra Malayalam Computing.
Students can apply for working on one of these ideas (Especially
adding more Indian languages to Dhvani text to speech engine).
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
Students willing to join google's summer of code may want to consider
contributing to GNOWSYS or other GNU projects listed at
Those students who are selected for the project will be compensated by
Google of which a small amount will also be contributed to FSF.
Those of you who wish to spend your holiday time for learning, earning
and contributing to free software, you can use this opportunity.
Google Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code 2007 is on! We are now accepting student
applications. We've also published some additional web app
documentation for mentors and organization administrators.
All the information for participants in Google Summer of Code 2007,
including student abstracts and other information provided by them, is
available by visiting the individual mentoring organization pages
Mentoring Organizations Participating in …
[View More]Google Summer of Code 2007
AbiSource (ideas)
Adium (ideas)
Aqsis Team (ideas)
Ardour (ideas)
ArgoUML (ideas)
Audacious Media Player (ideas)
Bazaar (ideas)
BBC Research (ideas)
Beagle (ideas)
Blender Foundation (ideas)
Boost C++ (ideas)
BZFlag (ideas)
Casetta (ideas)
Center for the Study of Complex Systems (CSCS), University of Michigan (ideas)
CLAM ( at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra) (ideas)
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (ideas)
Coppermine Photo Gallery (ideas)
coresystems GmbH (ideas)
Creative Commons (ideas)
Crystal Space (ideas)
Debian (ideas)
Detached Solutions (ideas)
Dojo Foundation (ideas)
Drupal (ideas)
DSpace (ideas)
Eclipse (ideas)
Etherboot Project (ideas)
eXist (ideas)
FANN - The Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (ideas)
FFmpeg (ideas)
Fityk (ideas)
FreeBSD (ideas)
Freenet Project Inc (ideas)
Freevo (ideas)
Gaim (ideas)
Gallery (ideas)
GCC (ideas)
Geeklog (ideas)
GenMAPP (ideas)
Gentoo Foundation (ideas)
Git Development Community (ideas)
GNOME (ideas)
GNU Project (ideas)
GnuCash (ideas)
GNUstep (ideas)
Google (ideas)
Haiku (ideas)
Handhelds.org (ideas)
Haskell.org (ideas)
hugin / panotools (ideas)
IEM - Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, Graz (ideas)
ikiwiki (ideas)
Inkscape (ideas)
Internet2 (ideas)
Jikes RVM (ideas)
Joomla! (ideas)
K-3D (ideas)
KDE (ideas)
Lanka Software Foundation (ideas)
Liblime (ideas)
LispNYC.org (ideas)
LLVM Compiler Infrastructure (ideas)
MacPorts (ideas)
maemo (ideas)
MetaBrainz Foundation (ideas)
Mixxx (ideas)
MoinMoin Wiki Project (ideas)
Mono Project (ideas)
Moodle (ideas)
Mozilla Foundation (ideas)
MySQL AB (ideas)
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent), Phyloinformatics Group (ideas)
Nmap Security Scanner (ideas)
OGRE (ideas)
Open Security Foundation (OSVDB) (ideas)
Open Source Applications Foundation (ideas)
OpenICC (ideas)
OpenMoko (ideas)
OpenMRS (ideas)
OpenOffice.org (ideas)
OpenSolaris (ideas)
Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSU OSL) (ideas)
OSCAR (ideas)
OSGeo (ideas)
PHP (ideas)
Plan 9 from Bell Labs (ideas)
PlanetMath (ideas)
Plone Foundation (ideas)
Portland State University (ideas)
PostgreSQL project (ideas)
Python Software Foundation (ideas)
Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University (ideas)
Rockbox (ideas)
Ruby Central, Inc. (ideas)
Samba (ideas)
SCons Foundation: Next-Generation Build Tool (ideas)
Scribus Development Team (ideas)
ScummVM (ideas)
SilverStripe Limited (ideas)
SIP Communicator (ideas)
Sparse (ideas)
Squeak (ideas)
SquirrelMail (ideas)
Subversion (ideas)
Swarm Development Group (ideas)
Swathanthra Malayalam Computing (ideas)
Taste (ideas)
The Apache Software Foundation (ideas)
The Codehaus (ideas)
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (ideas)
The Fedora Project (ideas)
The Free Software Initiative of Japan (ideas)
The gEDA Project (ideas)
The GGI Project (ideas)
The NetBSD Project (ideas)
The Space Telescope Science Institute (ideas)
Thousand Parsec (ideas)
Ubuntu (ideas)
Umit Project (ideas)
VideoLAN (ideas)
Vim (ideas)
Wikimedia Foundation (ideas)
WinLibre (ideas)
WordPress (ideas)
wxPython (ideas)
wxWidgets (ideas)
X.Org (ideas)
Xiph.org Foundation (ideas)
XMMS2 (ideas)
XMPP Standards Foundation (ideas)
XWiki (ideas)
Zope Foundation, Inc (ideas)
We are no longer accepting applications from open source organizations.
If you're feeling nostalgic, you can still access the Google Summer of
Code 2005 and Google Summer of Code 2006 pages. We've also created a
map (requires Google Earth) of all 2006 mentors and student
participants for your perusal.
Please peruse our FAQ and Terms of Service for more information about
the program. If you still have questions, email us for support
FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
What bloggers are saying about Goa: http://planet.goa-india.org/
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Our College (GEC CALICUT) is going to hoist a program on free software
, any one know any person who can take classes on LINUX ,FREE
then please mail me
Anoop Krishnan G
Slidestory, audio slideshows http://www.Slidestory.com
VSNL, India's flagship internet bandwidth provider for ISPs is now a
sleeping-ally of Microsoft. Strategic alliances have been forged on many
fronts (the latest for messaging services, yesterday). Reliance, which
controls FLAG, has stakes in VSNL - its chief is the former chief of VSNL -
also is a strategic partner of Microsoft for testing/deploying of Microsoft
based internet services.
The major Indian internet bandwith gateways are now within the operational
command of Microsoft.
Whatever …
[View More]information now originates for an outside world, or is received
here from an outside world, is at the mercy of this corporate. What a smooth
takeover... with UPA in power at centre, supported by Left (mauled, only
when there is a dispute over which territory should have university).
We can continue our discussion on Free Software in markets, Free software in
schools, Free software in e-governance etc in peace, because the game, I
presume, is already over.
CK Raju,
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A specific question which many Linux solution providers keep asking me.
The question relates to the client side applications NOT the server.
When Linux business solution providers go to Govt. organisations they
are confronted with the bleak scenario of all the systems being under
M$. Since their solutions are "standalone" and built with Linux libraries
such as GTK, QT etc. they need invariably Linux OS. Since the
organisations are reluctant to change their existing M$ platform just to
[View More]accommodate their solutions (even though they liked it) they are loosing
that business. What I am asking is that under these circumstances is it
ethically and morally correct for them to create M$ binaries of their
solution using windows versions of GTK and QT libraries and install them
on the M$ platform, and there by getting the business order.
Already FSF is releasing all their libraries such as gcc, gtk etc for M$ too.
Please think as if you are a business man providing free software
solutions to make money to run a free software business.
Rajagopal CV
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