On Sun, 2005-09-18 at 09:35 +0530, Srijit Sreekumar wrote:
you should know one thing about kerala. even though the state is very literate, it is also very predictable. the congress and the left go about looting the state alternatively. at this time the congress is in power. during the next election the left eill come in power. so expect changes then too. i am from the state capital, so i should know :) now on the article: when almost all computers sold have pirated copies of Windows, how can you expect the teachers to know any better? they have seen only one OS.
This is not fully true. The curriculum has had Free Software for three years now. An IT@School GNU/Linux CD has been distributed to all schools and about 200 master trainers and several hundred teachers have been trained on this CD. A number of schools in Thiruvananthapuram are already using the software. Training is being held in many districts with help from organisations like the Kerala School Teachers Association. Things are changing, but it may still be slow.