A brief biography of Chief Justice William Hubbs Rehnquist (born October 1, 1924 - died September 3, 2005) has been published at http://www.juiceenewsdaily.com/0605/news/ren.html
<quote> Rehnquist wrote the decision Diamond v. Diehr, which made a hole in the dike against software patents in the United States erected by Justice Stevens in Parker v. Flook; the dike collapsed within a few years and software patenting is now virtually unlimited. </quote>
Rehnquist also dissented in Roe v. Wade.
The meaningful decision in Parker v. Flook is published online at http://digital-law-online.info/cases/198PQ193.htm and it remains to be seen if the US Supreme Court would recast Parker v. Flook in the years to come.