Hi Listers
I am trying to install GNU/Linux on some of my friends' PC's here at Trivandrum. The trouble is that all of them have only internal modems. They would very much like to try Any distro. Having heard that it works with PCQ Linux 7.1, I installed it at a friend's PC (dual boot). But to make internal modem work, it was no way. I installed sm56 rpm, set it up and ran it . Setup was okay , but the modem will not work. Either " it is unable to find the modem" or " modem is busy"(I made the sym link, changed the device pointer /dev/modem, /dev/ttyS01, 02 etc ., "n" number of times). But no way. I posted this query earlier. I am at my wits end.
Now apart from RH7.3, I have MDK9.0, Slackware 8.1 and Debian Woody (3 CD set) with me. Will the internal modem (Motorola SM 56) work in any of these distros without any hassle ?At least 5 of my friends have internal modem only. I would like to install GNU/Linux in as many PC's here in Trivandrum, but only if this problem is resolved . Any pointers or hints to help solve this problem ?
N S Srikanth Trivandrum