I'm looking out for some good examples of how Free/Libre and Open Source Software could help bridge the "digital divide", particularly in the context of the less-affluent countries. Specially in South Asia or the rest of Asia.
If you could offer any pointers or suggestions, I'd be grateful.
In particular, the issue of computer obsolence seems to be a critical subject. But what with quite a few GNU/Linux distros seemingly going the bloatware way? Regards, FN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat, SALIGAO, GOA India Freelance Journalist TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436 http://fn.swiki.net http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks fred at bytesforall.org fredericknoronha at vsnl.net