URL : http://www.theopencd.org/about.php
The OpenCD is a collection of high-quality Open Source Software. All of the programs on the disc run under Windows; the disc is intended to be an Open Source showcase. New users can try out Open Source software in the comfort of their own, familiar operating system, rather than having to take the drastic step of reformatting their hard drive to install Linux.
Currently, the disc is aimed solidly at non-techies. The primary audience is expected to consist mostly of people who use computers regularly for their work, but are not power users. This might be, for example, Jane from Accounting, who spends a lot of time working on spreadsheets and checking her email. She can find her way around the computer without too much trouble, but wouldn't know a kernel from a TCP/IP stack. By showing the benefits of Open Source Software to users such as these, we hope to encourage its adoption -- in the workplace, in schools, and by individuals.
The OpenCD features a CD browser application that allows for easy browsing of the programs on the CD. It also includes a selection of essays about Open Source philosophy, and links to other programs that might be of interest.
The OpenCD
The following programs are on the OpenCD. Click a program name to see a full description, with screenshots and a link to the program's own home page. * [1]OpenOffice.org 1.0.1 * [2]DictInstall * [3]AbiWord 1.0.1 * [4]Beonex Communicator 0.8.1 * [5]FileZilla 2.1.1 * [6]Putty 0.52 * [7]WinVNC 3.3.3r9 * [8]XChat 1.8.10a * [9]Audacity 1.0 * [10]CDex 1.40 * [11]7-Zip 2.24 * [12]NetTime 2.0b6 * [13]Win Privacy Tray 0.5.5 * [14]Sokoban YASC 1.53 * [15]Celestia 1.2.4
* [16]More OSS Programs These are candidate programs, most of which are not currently on the CD. http://www.theopencd.org/programs/MorePrograms.html