2008/4/11 Anivar Aravind anivar.aravind@gmail.com:
If more people comes, lets have it near corporation circle.
So Let us fix it in front of townhall
Vikram please take police permission for Corporation circle (in front steps of townhall)
We need to prepare the following
- Press Note demanding BIS to appeal ISO Decision ( I will do it
within 13th and put it on wiki) 2. Media contacts ( Please alert all journalists you know) 3. Big Flex Board ( we may not get enough time to talk to all people . Flex will do the job. we surelly need sponsors for this. we can modify leaflet svg's in http://documentfreedom.org/2008/DFD_Starter_Pack) 4. some placards like http://flickr.com/photos/andyarmstrong/2400034217/in/pool-750232@N22 ( There are a lot of interesting protest messages in ooxml pool http://flickr.com/groups/750232@N22/pool/) 5. Blog it and bring your friends
Lets use this wiki page to coordinate this campaign. Also lets use fsug-bangalore list as the primary list coordinating the candle light vigil and fsf-friends for the broader campaign for document freedom.
Also how about printing some t-shirts?
Who will come up with design? Laxmi? Should we go for white or black?