I am using Cable Connection for internet
I have configured my Lan Card on Red Hat Linux 7........and am also able to ping the server of my Cable operator..but am not able to surf the net or connect to internet.....
How can i achieve that...pls help......
Download Yahoo! Score Tracker for live cricket scores on your desktop
If any ILUG-BOM members are interested , they may join a meeting on
Saturday at IIT where some are meeting. This is in response to an appeal
made in ArthVrittant article on Stallman, by Anil Shaligram on 18 March
issue of Loksatta.
Some of the ideas that came up while thinking about Marathi Linux
There are 3 levels of work in Marathi-isation
1> Applications like office software: Free softwares like
a>StarOffice , which are quite a good substitute for MS-Office and
available in …
[View More]Linux :
b> GIS softwares like GRASS or MYWorld useful for urgent problms
like water and environment
c> educational softwares Like LOGO, STARLOGO, Model-It,
Worldwatcher, DrGenius
We need to translate the labels and messages and documentations and
tutorials, multi-lingual CDs with multimedia.
2>Creating application in Marathi: Using gtk, glade emacs etc.
3> Working at the OS level : Creating labels/message table in marathi.
NCST has already done a large part for Hindi, some in Marathi too.
We also need to create mass awereness thru newspaper article in all the
We should ask our local cybercafe to have marathi software loaded.
AKRUTI have agrred to support anyone helping. Similarly other Marathi
and Indian language developers can be asked to make offers. This would
make the idea of working in Indian language a day-to-day affair without
too much cost.
For details contact jitendras(a)vsnl.com
[View Less]
Whats worse is that despite having Amavis+ MCAfee with the latest dat, the
virus is not detected by my mail server and the mail is being passed on to
the clients.
Anybody else having similar problem.
Join the worlds largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
Hi All,
Does any one know of a good network scanner which will
tell me more about the traffic in my network,
congestions / which port / application is throwing
more packets, any leaks etc.
I tried downloading IRIS, but was unable to form thier
Any other network Traffic analyzer ??
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more
As of today, yahoo's new mail terms came into effect. Meaning, free
pop3 access was shut off. That's not all that's happened though. Yahoo
has also changed their privacy policy, so unless you go to the website
and change your privacy settings, you could find that your yahoo
address, your alternate address, and even your phone number have been
sold to advertisers.
Read the full story at
Hey! Let's do …
[View More]that 2,000-pound man thing. I'll be that Carl Reiner guy,
and you be what's-his-face.
-- Homer Simpson
Homer vs. Patty and Selma
[View Less]
thanks, Ashok, I tried with webmin first.
Got confused will try as said. Thanks for u r help.
Hi everyone
can anyone help me out how to configure squid proxy to auth user and
restrict them. how to do it through mac address. i am not good at linux
so pls any easy method or some tool.
Hey guys,
i have been recieving mails which has a size of some 127K or 250K and the
whole mail with header just looks like this
Delivered-To: mitul(a)mitul.com
Received: (qmail 15675 invoked from network); 25 Apr 2002 11:43:04 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO www.com) ( by
ns7.nttindia.com with SMTP; 25 Apr 2002 11:43:04 -0000
Received: from …
[View More]Dvcrcvqib ([]) by www.com with Microsoft
SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.2966); Thu, 25 Apr 2002 17:08:58 +0530
From: prakash <prakash(a)freeos.com>
To: mitul(a)mitul.com
Subject: Worm Klez.E immunity
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Fi6021GV119p61iJ
Return-Path: frank(a)giasbm01.vsnl.net.in
Message-Id: <SERVER2000tox7nyeKz00000106(a)www.com>
X-Originalarrivaltime: 25 Apr 2002 11:38:58.0498 (UTC)
Date: 25 Apr 2002 17:08:58 +0530
I guess some guy who has an email frank(a)giasbm01.vsnl.net.in has spread
some kinda email virus which goes on sending mails to all ppl in the
address book....dont know if it attacks on pine or windoze i m on webmail
so dont know the remote sender client...
but pls be beware of such mails and do delete off i guess u should better
clean up your systems too to see wat is going on ...
Best Regards,
-Mitul Limbani
(mitul 2 mitul.com)
[View Less]
I would like to know about sendmail
log analyzer which can check unused accounts
on rh 6.2 or any other scripts
with which one can find of
unused email accounts for certain fixed time
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more