Dear Sir / Madam,
Good morning and Greetings from Kailash.
I am willing to work in offsite / contract basis. I had doen offsite project for Countries like Thailand,USA,Albania.And now doing a project for FullServe web, Canada.
I have three years of experience in php/mysql and web development. I am sending my profile as my testimonial in attachment.
If you could provide me more details, I will be in a postion to quote for your work.
Expecting your reply.
Thanks and Regards
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On boot, Debian shows a prompt: wait 5 seconds, or hit enter for a
shell prompt. On my system, if I hit enter I get a shell prompt but
none of the commands work (everything: not found). Anyway, if I then
exit the shell, it eventually says cramfs: wrong magic and kernel
panic: unable to mount root fs blah.
But if I don't drop to the shell, don't touch anything, it still says
cramfs: wrong magic, but boots anyway without any panics. What's going
Satya. <URL:http://satya.virtualave.…
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I am accessing a Linux system via the VNC server. The VNC client is running on
Win2K. After the connection is established, the VNC client window opens up as
a 800x600 window. The XF86Config is using the resolution at 1024x768. Some of
the items from the Linux system are going beyond the VNC client boundry. When I
try to maximize the window, the display is still at 800x600 with broad dark
strips around the window.
The display resolution on Win2K is greater than the 1024x768 …
[View More]resolution.
How can I increase my VNC Client to show the Linux system at 1024x768
Thank you in advance.
Subba Rao
Old American Wild West saying: God created men but Colt made them equal.
Today: Linus created Linux and Linux made IT companies equal.
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Dear LUG users,
We "Logix Consultancy Group P Ltd" are looking out for cadidates with
following skill set for the post of
Executive - Technical support
If interested kindly mail me your resume or contact me.
Prashant M
Logix consultancy Group P Ltd.
Tel: 91-22 - 24330106 / 24366591 / 24376857
Take this online tour. Win an HCL Beanstalk PC.
A leading information services company plan to shift its entire Windows
backend infrastructure to Linux. They are looking for companies which
can help them migrate successfully as well as provide them with good
support. They are a 24 hours operation so support infrastructure must be
in place. There should be zero down time in the migration and it has to
be a scalable architecture. If anyone is interested in taking this up,
write to me directly (not on the list) at prakash at
[View More]Here is their current infrastructure.
- Windows 2000.
- SQL Server
- ASP/VB Scripts.
- 10-15 records queried every second.
- 8 GB of data.
Windows cannot handle the kind of load :-) so they are looking at
migrating to Linux, PostgreSQL/MySQL,PHP/JSP, etc. They are open to
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I know of packet marking in iptables.
But could anyone enlighten me which field of an ip packet does the netfilter, mark ?? Is it related with the marking scheme in QoS ??
i could find no doc stating exactly which field of a packet is marked. I tried, google to no avail.
i felt tcpdump is a roughshod way to figure it out so decided to ask.
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Greetings and salutation
I am a new member of this group and a newbie to linux. I want to get some basic info on installing linux like what is mount point etc. and the basics of linux
While Information up front is welcome i would also like u to point me in the right direction hwere i can read and learn on my own.
That's the only real way to leearn don't u think.
Thankx in advance
Gurdeep Singh
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The biggest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one.
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