On Sun Nov 28 7:35 , 'Rony Bill' <ronbilly(a)hotpop.com> sent:
>An antivirus detects viruses after they enter the system and get resident.
>Many of my clients are home users so the comp is used by the kids too and
>they have their own choices and uses which are difficult to implement in
>linux. They are used to the standard programs.
That's not quite correct. The two most popular AV solutions, Norton & McAfee,
both check files as soon as they are accessed. A file …
[View More]being downloaded from the
network is scanned before being saved onto the disk. Executables are also scanned
before they are run.
I'll give you an example.... some years ago, I installed WinMe & NAV2002 on a
friends PC. I updated the AV using the live update feature of NAV. Several days
later during an online chat with him over ICQ, as a prank I sent him Sub7 trojan
client, under the garb of it being a game. The download completed and the file
then promply disappeared. It ended up in the quarantine folder of NAV instead of
the specified folder.
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{Apologies for cross-posting}
Dear Mumbai Linux User Group,
We welcome you to participate in the online discussion forum "Free and Open Source Software: Policy and Development Implications" (FOSS-PDI) at http://lists.apdip.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/foss-pdi
FOSS-PDI is a joint initiative of Bridges.org, (Cape Town, South Africa); Free and Open Source Software Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA), (Nairobi, Kenya); OneWorld South Asia (OWSA), (New Delhi, India); UNDP-APDIP International Open …
[View More]Source Network (IOSN), (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia); UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme (APDIP/UNDP), (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
The multi-stakeholder partners of this e-discussion firmly believe that FOSS is in line with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): because it increases access to, ownership of, and control of knowledge and information through the collaborative development of newer technologies and communication opportunities. FOSS also provides an innovative Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) framework that can be applied in all areas of development theory and practice - advocacy for Free Medicine (e.g. generic HIV/AIDS drugs), Free Seeds (e.g. seed banks), Free Books (e.g. Open Access Movement), Freedom of Information Movement et. al. Therefore the issues being considered central to this debate are:
* Opportunities and drawbacks of FOSS for developing countries – the roles of government, civil society, business in the process
* FOSS and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – stretching the development dollar for scaling-up impact
* The global Intellectual Property Concern - Business monopoly of first world nations software giants VS third world collaborative
* Enabling legal/regulatory/policy framework for country specific strategic evolution of FOSS.
* Open-source processes outside the software sector – Free Medicine, Seed Bank, Open Access, Open Archiving etc.
* Comparison of proprietary software vis-à-vis FOSS in terms of technical merits –reliability, stability, and vulnerabilities,
especially in the context of national security.
* FOSS versus Public Domain Software and Freeware – the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of FOSS.
* Motivations for contributing to FOSS projects - What motivates FOSS developers to "donate" their time? In the context of developing countries, can these motivators be encouraged by government, civil society and private sector interventions?
We expect the deliberations of this on-ine discussion will contribute toward evolution of enabling policy framework on building/using FOSS for developmental interventions.
To post to this list, send your email to:
General information about the mailing list is at:
We are looking forward to your active participation.
Thank you.
Warm regards,
Sunil Abraham, UNDP/APDIP/IOSN
Philipp Schmidt, Bridges,org
Bildad Kagai, FOSSFA
Naimur Rahman, OWSA
Amandeep Singh Grewal, OWSA
Atanu Garai, OWSA
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Hello Manish,
Thanks a lot for your response.
Unfortunately my query was incomplete.
I did not want way to append o/p of `pwd` to variable.
What I wanted was a way to expand relative path to
absolute path by removing unwanted prefixes such as
"." or ".." and any other partial paths.
csh by itself expands "~" but not "." and ".."
So if I store:
set ABC = ./my/relative/path
set DEF = `pwd`${ABC}
I get string such as:
/home/kiran/./my/relative/path in DEF
This is a valid path-string,
But I …
[View More]wanted to get away with the "."
OR in following example
set ABC = ../kiran/my/relative/path
set DEF = `pwd`${ABC}
I will get
/home/kiran/../kiran/my/relative/path in DEF
which again is a valid-path string.
But what I want is,
/home/kiran/my/relative/path in DEF
One way is:
1. Store current dir in a variable
2. cd to relative path
3. Do pwd and get result
4. Go back to original variable
But I hope ther must be a smarter way to do this.
Sorry for the incomplte query posted earlier.
Thanking you,
Best regards,
- Kiran
>Kiran Agashe wrote:
> Or is there any alternative way this can be done in
> csh script? i.e. I have a relative path stored in a
> variable, and I want to extract absolute path from
>Manish Wrote:
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Hi All,
I just installed Suse 9.2 on a Dell 4600, with WinXP pre-installed.
I used all the default / suggested disk partition settings.
My Dell seems to have a "Utility Partition", which was
detected by the installer and Grub gives me an option to
boot into it.
However, I am not able to boot into it
I can boot into WinXP though without any problem.
If I press F12 when I reboot the PC, there is an option to
go into the utility partition, but this just brings up grub.
I have not really …
[View More]understood the problem fully,
so I dont know what to search for to look for answers :-(
Does anyone have ay idea what may have gone on
during the install process ?
[View Less]
Dear Luggers,
Cable internet is a reality that one cannot ignore but it also has its
problems of security. Viruses and trojans keep getting in frequently and its
quite a nuiscance having to get rid of them often on the same machine. A
firewall is not very usefull here as it is in dialup. To access the net, the
gateway traffic has to be allowed, so that brings in the unwanted elements
too. Being a LAN based system, there is unauthorised traffic from other
infected machines too. The …
[View More]clients are all on windows as linux is still not
very popular. However, the principles of security should be similar.
So what is the way to keep the client machine clean even if the gateway is
not so?
[View Less]
Anurag has created following poll on my request
Which of the following topics will interest you the most for GLUG meet?:
1. How mono works?
2. Philosophy behind mono/.NET and their legal and social issues?
3. How to setup mono with apache for ASP.NET?
4. Database access with mono
5. Creating GUI apps with mono.
6. Develop on Visual Studio.NET and deploy on Apache/Mono
Please visit http://db.ilug-bom.org.in/forum/ and vote before 5th December
Where is the meeting?
Thanks and regards.
hi ,
i would like to know about any speech to text
software in open source. like DRAGON NATURALLY
SPEAKING for english
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Hi linuxers,
I have a doubt in related to unix directory paths.
Is there any unix command to convert a relative path
into absolute path?
Or is there any alternative way this can be done in a
csh script? i.e. I have a relative path stored in a
variable, and I want to extract absolute path from it.
- Kiran
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