Hi Friends
I am a new member to this usergroup. With m= y introduction mail I
am starting with my doubts and questions.
I have installed patched Freeswan-1.9.9 on linux-2.4.25 and it's
workin= g. I want to troubleshoot it. Can anyone please guide me how
can make my ip= sec box more sturdy and efficient so that maximum
number of clients get con= nected and there is no more keep alive
signals from my box after the client= s get disconnected.
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Recently SAPDB is in vogue as another databa= se having
magnificent capabilities. Can anybody provide me with some docume= nts
on that. It would be great help if any comparison study is available
al= so. Thanks a lot.
with regards,
Bhaskar Banerjee<= BR>
[1] [RealMedia=]
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hi friends,
i don't think it is good that we have 2 different groups for mumbai and navi mumbai. by this we can only get scattered and not organized and
won'tbe able to help each other. lets keep this as it is and those from navi mumbai who are still not part of this group (which i doubt) are completly welcome to join this group. i say this on behalf of all the members of the group.
lets keep it simple guys.
Mejo Jose <mejokj(a)mejokj.com> wrote:Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 16:20:18 -…
[View More]0800
From: Mejo Jose
To: Mumbai_GNULinux(a)yahoogroups.com,
"GNU/Linux Users Group, Mumbai, India"
Subject: [ILUG-BOM] NMLUG [Navi Mumbai Linux Users Group] created!
Dear Friends,
In the last few months, a lot of people were asking for Linux users
group in Navi Mumbai area. I am based in Navi Mumbai and I couldn't find
one. So we just created one!
The address is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nmlug
The NMLUG is a computer users group serving Navi Mumbai and surrounding
areas. We are dedicated to spreading Linux and other Open Source
software and work to educate and assist Linux beginners while also
helping more advanced users expand their skills and interact with other
local Linux users. We have a huge collection of Linux cds and books
which are shared among the members.
To subscribe to the group , send a mail to nmlug-subscribe(a)yahoogroups.com
Mejo Jose
The place for Linux cds!
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>> The boot loader for all these partitions would have been in the
>> master boot record, which was overwritten when you installed grub.
>> I don't think there's an easy solution for this. The best would be
>> to boot linux through the Win 2000 boot loader.
> How do i do that,what addition do i have to make in windows 2000
> boot loader and how do i make it default bootloader.
> Do i have to uninstall grub.
As Philip suggests, I the most sensible thing …
[View More]would be to use the
Win2K boot loader. Here's the general way you can rescue your setup.
1) First of all boot into each Linux distro and install its boot
loader to the first sector of its own partition. i.e. boot into debian
and install grub/lilo to the boot sector of /dev/hda8 and similarly
for RH9 to /dev/hda9. I use LILO myself so I can't give you
instructions for grub - use the manual. Make a boot floppy for each on
the safe side as well.
2) After both the boot loaders for the Linux distros are installed,
while still in Linux, copy the first sector of each to a file like so:
dd if=/dev/hda8 of=woody.img bs=512,count=1
dd if=/dev/hda9 of=rh9.img bs=512,count=1
and then move these two *.img files to C:
3) Now boot off the Win2K/XP install CD and go to the recovery mode
console. Here you can log in as administrator and get a limited shell.
Use the commands fixmbr (& fixboot if necessary). This will overwrite
grub in the MBR with the Win2K boot loader and automatically make
entries for Win98, Win2K & WinXP.
4) Now you should be able to boot into any of the versions of Windows
and edit the C:\BOOT.INI file to add entries for Linux like so:
C:\RH9.IMG="Linux RedHat 9.0"
C:\WOODY.IMG="Linux Debian Woody"
(note that the file is hidden/system etc. so unhide it first)
That's it - all 5 OSs should now boot ok.
If you don't really know what you are doing, a mistake can be
dangerous - you may then need to over-install Windows.
So be careful....
Chirag Wazir
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friend i am a B.E. student from vivekanand college of engineering and
is currently working on a project in linux ----" Distributed Denial of
i am using click router for detecting spooped ips and discarding
packets from them.i have already patched the software router in kernel
mode and its working fine.
my problem starts with what next i do to simulate ddos attack and use
ingress and egress algo to filter packets from multops structure which
stores every …
[View More]packet before forwarding to next router
plz suggest my future course of action
u can mail me at hdachrekar(a)hotmail.com
All the news that matters. All the gossip from home. [1]Specially for
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Hi ,
I have 3 file system. / , /usr and /var.
I'm trying to backup them using tar command like this :
find / -xdev -exec tar cvf root.tar {} \;
According to above commond , since i have mentioned '-xdev' for find, find
should list files and dir related to '/' file system only.
If i try only " find / -xdev" , this list files and dir as expected.That
is it lists only files within '/' File system.
But when i use tar within find,i'm getting /usr and /var tared too !!
How could i solve this …
[View More]?
[View Less]
Hello linuxers,
I have 7 partitions on my 40 gb hdd.Its structure is as follows
hda1 windows 98 primary partition
hda3 windows XP Extended Logical part
hda4 windows 2000 server Extended Logical part
hda5 windows partition Extended Logical part
hda8 debian woody 3
hda9 Redhat linux 9
hda12 swap
Now my problem is that i have installed windows 98 first then win xp then
windows 2000 with boot options of all three.I installed …
[View More]debian woody 3 on
hda8 and then redhat linux 9 on hda9.Now after installing redhat linux 9
i cant boot in to winxp/win2000.I can boot into win98/redhat
linux/debian.During installation i have installed grub as my boot loader
and added all the required partions for booting the windows os.Please
provide some solution to this so i can boot in to any os through boot
Thankz in advance.
Rohit Baisakhiya.
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I have registered on your site but i am not able to login into your system to download the files. Please look into it and reply.
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--- anthony fernandes <greatforwards4u(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
> hi
> i read your reply about the bank soln on linux. and u
> gave interesting inputs. can u just elaborate on some of
> them.
As far as migration planning is concerned - the biggest
advantages/savings are in the largest and most important(in
terms of deployment) applications-so why start with a
trivial application?
you could argue that they shld have some comfort before
they go for the 'big one' , but hey - there'…
[View More]s already enuff
working implementations out there now.
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