On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote :
>On 22 Jul 2007 20:01:30 -0000, Joel Solomon
><joel_joel72004(a)rediffmail.com> wrote:
>> did do as you said...... but the prompt comes again... without any output...
>>even tried running the same command as root!!!!
>Ok. No when you plug in your router into the USB, does the 'USB' led
>on the router turn itself on at any time? Is the 'Power' LED on the
>router on?
>-- Siddhesh Poyarekar
[View More]This document validates as Plain Text
yes it does..... glow
[View Less]
If you feel antsy about trying out the latest gutsy tribe releases but
want that 1 slick new package AND don't want to mess your current
install with dev libraries try this
prevu - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu
Basically an automated backporting script that compiles the newer
package from the further release, under a fakeroot :D . Giving you
brand new packages !
I didn't know about this util until i read a post in the qemu list !!
Used it for my qemu 0.9.0 in ubuntu feisty. And the thing …
[View More]works clean.
[View Less]
> Dear all,
> I have uploaded some low quality photos of event at:
> http://flickr.com/photos/kartik_m/tags/firefoxworldtour/
> Blog entry/report to list will be done evening.
> Notes:
> Please don't do RSVP, if you don't want to appear at Event.
> Be humble and please don't kill kittens.
I profusely apologise.A event came up which I couldn't have predicted or
PS:What's that about not killing kittens?
> Is there any way to solve this problem without reloading the OS? Is my
> file system corrupt?
> The lappy is ok as I can boot into the other os Mandriva 2007 and use it
> flawlessly.
good test - rules out any real hardware problem with the keyboard.
i am also assuming the x keyboard layout was not changed, or the file
being edited at the time was not xorg.conf or some xinput config one
(;-) )
could be a kde specific setting (slow keys got enabled accidently or
[View More]try to rename the .kde directory inside $HOME for the user, and then
restart. would reset all kde app settings for the user, but u can
restore them later individually.
> "Could not start kstartupconfig
this could be due to issues with missing home dir, kde config files,
or some permissions in the new user's home dir.?
[View Less]
Chotha Beta 1 is released. Chotha is a blog client written in PyQt4. This is
mainly for wordpress, will add support for others later. It is having basic
HTML tag editing capabilities with saving blog entries locally in the system.
You can also save it as draft in the server. You can preview your entry
either in Firefox or in Konqueror. Or else you can click and go to visual
mode to see quick preview (without images).
Screenshot: http://flickr.com/photos/kushaldas/870308314/
Webpage: …
[View More]http://sourceforge.net/projects/chotha
To understand the meaning of the name please ask any of your Bengali friend :p
Comments are welcome :)
Note: Few major bugs like layout one is there knowingly.
Kushal Das
Fedora Ambassador, India
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Dear all,
I have uploaded some low quality photos of event at:
Blog entry/report to list will be done evening.
Please don't do RSVP, if you don't want to appear at Event.
Be humble and please don't kill kittens.
Kartik Mistry | Eng: kartikmistry.org/blog
0xD1028C8D | Guj: kartikm.wordpress.com
> I renamed the .kde dir and that solved the problem. I got the default
> kde desktop and everything works fine. Keyboard is typing normally.
> Thank you very much. I was planning to re-install the OS. :)
> I still cannot figure out why it happened mid-way during an OO document
> editing.
Whatever caused this was captured in the configuration files in original .kde
directory. Assuming that you renamed old .kde directory to .kde_old, running
the following command may prove …
[View More]useful to identify the difference between
old and new configuration files.
diff -r .kde .kde_old | less
[View Less]
A red letter day i suppose. Groklaw quotes Dr.Nags questions and
responses to the usual red herring replies from M$' V. Kapur.
This article is the result of acts of omission and commission by M$ in
Portugal in getting ECMA approval for MS ooxml as a "standard".
Hope similiar things dont happen here.
On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote :
>On 21 Jul 2007 18:42:22 -0000, Joel Solomon
><joel_joel72004(a)rediffmail.com> wrote:
>> >-- http://mm.glug-bom.org/mailman/listinfo/linuxers
>>i tired doing an ifup eth0 as given in the wiki..... but after i do that it says "eth0=eth0".... i don't even know what that means.... when i checked the hardware information.... it detects it as a dlink 502T adsl modem... but on the second line it says unknown device...
[View More]>Execute this command in your terminal and paste the output on list:
>dmesg | grep cdc_ether
>-- Siddhesh Poyarekar
>This document validates as Plain Text
did do as you said...... but the prompt comes again... without any output...
even tried running the same command as root!!!!
[View Less]
GNOME Developers calling for the next desktop revolution
Future GNOME releases might have seamless integration with online
services and store their configuration on the web - Novell and parts of
the community seem to agree with Red Hats proposal....
Another feature of the Online Desktop: Most of the user preferences will
be stored online, which opens up a few interesting possibilities, as
Pennington points out: Thanks to this, it would be possible to start
directly from a Live-CD and …
[View More]still get ones own - fully configured -
desktop after logging into the online service. -
Anivar Aravind
moving Republic
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