Has anybody use the Reliance WiMax (Broadnet) services? I am
more interested in their services in Mumbai. Good, Bad, Ugly?
Apparently they install separate antenna for each connection. The size
of this is as big as a laptop monitor or such, thats what the
marketing exec told me.
What I want to know is - 1) compatibility with Linux Boxes
2) does it work during the rainy season? Considering that rains in
Mumbai or Panvel is slightly on the extreme side ;), does it work fine
[View More]during the rainy season? I guess the same applies to the DTH setup
Only reason, I am thinking its worth a try is because I won't
have to depend on availabilty of power and such because I will be
responsible to provide power to the setup which I can in case of load
shedding as well. Thanks in advance.
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"The national body of South Africa (SABS), as a P member of JTC 1,
hereby submits an appeal against the outcome of the fast track
processing of DIS 29500 Office open XML. This is based on the
procedures followed before and during the ballot resolution meeting
(BRM) held from 25 to 29 February 2008 to discuss the comments
submitted on the fast-tracked DIS 29500 and the proposed responses
from Ecma."
Read the full letter from
[View More]ooxml-cal…
Can we get BIS to back this appeal, considering it has voted no and
raised concerns about the process?
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(as seen on /.)
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
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On Friday 30 May 2008, "Dinesh Joshi" wrote:
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 00:47:41 +0530
> From: "Dinesh Joshi"
> Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] [URL] IIT Bombay, Microsoft at loggerheads
> 2008/5/28 Ravindra Jaju <ravindra.jaju(a)gmail.com>:
> > Good to know IITB taking forward the good thing they have been part
> > of (along with our awesome FOSS leaders!)
> >
> > http://in.rediff.com/money/2008/may/28iit.htm
> >
> > But it? …
[View More]rediff, and something? gotta be broken! It is Dr. Phatak,
> > and not Dr. Pathak.
> Bad or no proof reading? I think not. This is done to mislead the aam
> junta incase they wanna contact the concerned person. I've personally
> seen this happening for many articles not just this one.
I think it is a case of incomplete proof reading.
I have read the article and saw Dr. Phatak's name spelt correctly in 2
places, only in the last instance did I notice the error.
It happens. Have we not all, at one time or another, sent out emails
w/o checking for spelling errors?
Arun Khan
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We at tagg.in are looking to fill the following postions. All the jobs
are located in Worli, Mumbai.
- Software Engineer
We are seeking PHP developers to join the engineering team. Must be a
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[View More]Perl/Python and learning other
languages as appropriate.
* Familiarity with web development in social networking/mobile
domain preferred.
* Compensation will match the best in the industry.
- Web Designer
Minimum 1 year experience of working as Web Designer using Photoshop,
HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, etc. Must be capable of visualising
Website designs independently according to the requirements.
Familiarity with the LAMP platform. Strong knowledge of web standards
is a must. Must be a team player and have good communication skills.
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Team tagg.in
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Good to know IITB taking forward the good thing they have been part of
(along with our awesome FOSS leaders!)
But itś rediff, and somethingś gotta be broken! It is Dr. Phatak, and
not Dr. Pathak.
Besides LINUX which is "open computing" there is another possible "open
technology routing of packets".
OLSR or "open mesh routing". Please see the few emails on the google group
This open mesh routing is a technology in search of a solution ----- like
Xerox copiers initially were, nobody knew why Xerox copiers would be useful
-------------- so I'm brainstorming all of you to ask: what will you do with
free or almost free routing of packets.
Initially, I said, …
[View More]everybody in India should have a cheap monthly payment
computer which includes services providable by free routing such as
----------- security cameras for everybody in the building, security cameras
for everybody in shops, even genuine-ness of currency note verification (the
chip would be very small with a very small antenna which would be embedded
in each currency note to be read and verified with a central database or by
local digital signing), then we had training for everybody as in life-long
education and skills training, then local advertisements.
Now, in local shops GOOGLE is sending out teams of people with CARDS to
sign in to their web-site and provide information (we did get these cards
--- there exact usage is to enable shops to sign in and display
Potentially, with ubiquitous routing (similar to Microsoft's ubiquitous
computing) every valuable item on this planet can be tagged ---- the
inventory taking problem of factories would be solved (no more lost articles
in shops or factories or even homes).
The supply-chain delivery problem, the transportation problem, gets
completely resolved.
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Hi All,
I made a Q-mail server on suse 9.3 on dell 2950 m/c , all the services are working properly regarding qmail.
The problem is that i want add Disclaimer to all the outgoing mails from it , i have tried many things but it doesn't help at all.
Can somebody explain me the procedure to add Disclaimer to all outgoing mails.
Thanx in Advance
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On Thursday 22 May 2008, jtd wrote:
> Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 11:50:38 +0530
> From: jtd
> Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] CD Writing at 24x
> On Thursday 22 May 2008 03:22, Rony wrote:
> > Hello Everyone,
> >
> > Current laptops and older desktop cd writers have a write speed
> > limit of 24x and the current Moser Bayer 52x media do not write at
> > that speed even in DVD writers. 32x works fine but drives with 24x
> > limits are …
[View More]handicapped. Any solutions to this, any user
> > experiences?
> Afaik u can use low speed drives to write on high speed media.
I think what the OP was trying to ask: How does one get a 24X writer to
write @ it's max. speed 24x given that media supports upto 52X write
Arun Khan
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