Has anybody use the Reliance WiMax (Broadnet) services? I am
more interested in their services in Mumbai. Good, Bad, Ugly?
Apparently they install separate antenna for each connection. The size
of this is as big as a laptop monitor or such, thats what the
marketing exec told me.
What I want to know is - 1) compatibility with Linux Boxes
2) does it work during the rainy season? Considering that rains in
Mumbai or Panvel is slightly on the extreme side ;), does it work fine
[View More]during the rainy season? I guess the same applies to the DTH setup
Only reason, I am thinking its worth a try is because I won't
have to depend on availabilty of power and such because I will be
responsible to provide power to the setup which I can in case of load
shedding as well. Thanks in advance.
The KDE Project : http://www.kde.org
KDE India : http://in.kde.org
Mailing List : http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-india
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hi friends.
In interview i was asked a question that. If a server is located at some remote place
and in a server one of the hard disk had failed. Then how do we find which hard disk
had failed from the several hard disk in the server remotely.
we need to hav certain command for this in linux.
in IBM AIX there is certain command but in linux i dont't know.
does any 1 know this than plz reply.
Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to http://in.promos.yahoo.com/groups/
Hi all,
Our company is sponsoring a session on Web 2.0 security
Interested people can view details at
http://wiki. directi.com/ display/tc/ October+11th+ -+Web+2.0+ Security+
-+Defending+ Next+Generation+
And add your name by clicking on Attend event
It's a free session. Let me know if you require more details
Some videos from Goa, mainly around Software Freedom Day at BITS
Pilani Goa campus. FN
My beautiful [GNU]Linux
BITS-Pilani Goa campus has grown over the past four to five years, and
now has over 2000 students on the outskirts of Vasco/Dabolim. At a
Software Freedom Day held on the campus recently (Sept 27, 2008) we
encounter students, and learn about their interest in Free Software
and Open Source. Also some images from an event that saw talks and
presentation span the better part of two days. …
[View More]This video starts with
a showcasing of the potential of GNU/Linux, the largely
volunteer-built alternative computing system... that's in fact better
than the 'real thing' (my view)!
Lyx ... and all that
LyX is a document processor following the self-coined "what you see is
what you mean" paradigm (WYSIWYM), as opposed to the WYSIWYG ideas
used by word processors. This means that the user only has to care
about the structure and content of the text, while the formatting is
done by LaTeX, an advanced typesetting system. LyX is designed for
authors who want professional output with a minimum of effort and
without becoming specialists in typesetting. The job of typesetting is
done mostly by the computer, following a predefined set of rules
called a style, and not by the author. Specific knowledge of the LaTeX
document processing system is not necessary but may improve editing
with LyX significantly for specialist purposes. DP explains how he
uses this tool... (quote from the Wikipedia)
Mind-maps? What's all that about?
A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or
other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word
or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and
classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving,
decision making, and writing. DP explains at the BITS Pilani, Goa
centre. 27 September 2008.
On mind-maps, please check out some other excellent presentations also
on YouTube.
On Wikipedia:
On YouTube.com:
Maximise the Power of Your Brain - Tony Buzan MIND MAPPING
Mindmeister - Mindmaps with team spirit
Getting Things Done (GTD) with Mindmaps
Mind-Maps How to mindmap
Smarter Mind Maps
Mind Maps and Self Coaching
Make Mind Maps with revolutionairy software from the creator
How Mindmaps can help you learn a language
MINDMAPS - my experience
DP-1 at SFD (BITS Pilani Goa campusa, Sept 27, 2008)
Talk by young ILUG-Goa/ILUG-Ponda volunteer DP. He explains issues of
documentation that could be useful to any student and researcher.
Other video shorts at: http://in.youtube.com/user/fredericknoronha
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Blog: http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
Tech links from South Asia: http://twitter.com/fn
M: +91-9822122436 P: +91-832-2409490
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I have two email accounts at foo.com and bar.com. They have different
passwords. Receiving mail is ok - but for sending, only the password for one
account is used in both - the password for the first account gets changed to
that of the second account when the second account is set up. How can one
overcome this without having the same password for all accounts? Or is a bug?
Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS
Root is system user --- has various privileges.
The application users are completely distinct from the root user -----
but they can share the root user group "wheel".
so unless you want very high thruput why are you modifying the kernel
and making it bigger.
You can just send an email to the application level user, have a
crontab job pick it up every 1 minute or every 1 second and forward
the email on.
You can even change the group of the application level user.
Or once you send the …
[View More]email --- u can send a datagram "pick/poke/UDP
packet" tcp/ip signal to waken the user.
You are only making the kernel fatter.
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Hi all,
I made an attempt at making a GNU/Linux primer at
To put it simply, just something which tells newbies what it is all
about without getting technical.
What do you guys think? Do you think I may have missed something? Do
you think something could have been put up in a better way?
Or you think it plain sucks. Feedback and flames all are encouraged :)
Shirish Agarwal
This email is …
[View More]licensed under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/
065C 6D79 A68C E7EA 52B3 8D70 950D 53FB 729A 8B17
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I just learnt from a friend of mine that I should stop using Ubuntu as Canonical is not contributing to the development of GNU/Linux systems as compared to other players. He also suggested that since most of its stuff, or nothing, is upstream so we cant trust it. Also his argument was, being run by one man, who may tomorrow change his mind and stop support to Ubuntu, then what?
So, I am bringing this issue to the lista and have people's opinion as to how much Canonical has contributed and how …
[View More]wise is the decision to use Ubuntu?
Here is the article of Greg Kroah-Hartman, maintainer of the USB and other subsystems in the Linux kernel mentioning Canonical contribution to be 100 patches viz a viz 230 by Mandriva and only 270 by Gentoo. Remember Ubuntu is quite young compared to Mandriva, Gentoo.
Please suggest.
Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on http://help.yahoo.com/l/in/yahoo/mail/yahoomail/tools/tools-08.html/
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On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 4:57 AM, Kussh Singh <kussh.singh(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Where is the install fest going to be and at what time? I can make some
> Ubuntu 8.04 CDs but i don't have the ones which come from canonical thru
> shipit.
The installfest is at Ramrao Adik Inst. of Tech.,Nerul,3rd Oct,4:00 pm to
5:00 pm.It's a given that List members can make Ubuntu 8.04 CDs,which I can
do myself too because,as mentioned,I do have 28 CDs,the preferable thing is
that the CDs …
[View More]were from ShipIt.
Why we need the CDs is because most of the student of our college are day
scholars and don't own laptops,and I'm skeptical that people would lug their
desktop PCs to Nerul.
Registered Linux user #442065
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Hello List,
A few meetings ago,I had mentioned my plans for holding an presentation on
linux which turned into an install fest after consultation with LUG
members.the present situation is that the installfest is scheduled on 3rd of
October and the likely number of participants at the installfest is turning
out to be potentially more than the CDs I have available,which is 28.
ShipIt would take too long a time to send the CDs,therefore,list members who
have an excess of Ubuntu 8.04/8.04.1 CDs,…
[View More]preferably received from
ShipIt,because they will be in the "official" (:P) covers,could you help out
and contribute the excess CDs in your posession for the installfest?
Registered Linux user #442065
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