Dear Friends,
Greetings on behalf of the Free Software Movement of India.
Free Software Movement of India (FSMI) is a national coalition of
various regional and sectoral free software movements operating in
different parts of India. The formation of FSMI was announced in the
valedictory function of the National Free Software Conference - 2010
held in Bangalore during 20–21 March 2010. To know more about FSMI
please see [1][2]
FSMI has been a coordinating platform in promoting the culture of …
[View More]free
knowledge, free culture, free speech and free society through the use
and development of free software, free hardware and free bandwidth in
India. In order to build a strong free software movement in
Maharashtra we are trying to create a 'Free Software Movement
Maharashtra ' to promote the ideas of a free society via freedom in
the digital realm and in this regard a preparatory meeting is being
We request you to kindly participate in this meeting and help build
the movement in Maharashtra .
Preparatory meeting to organise a Free Software Movement Maharashtra
Venue: IIT Bombay campus, Powai, Mumbai.
Date: May 4th Saturday 2013
Time: 4pm - 6pm
Contact: Vikram Vincent: 09969249984
With warm wishes,
Vikram Vincent
Member, General Council,
Free Software Movement India(FSMI)
[3] For more details on the concept of 'free as in freedom' software
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Dear Linux-ers,
I have the rare privilege of getting the attention of someone who
frames technology policy for India. I have been asked to prepare a
document in 1000 ASCII characters or less, that makes the case for
Linux. My contact is highly educated, yet not very technical.
Here is the document I wrote. In Open-Source-style, I am opening it up
to the public, before I submit it to the powers-that-be.
Please, help me improve it!
- Ashwin.
[View More]Open-Source Software ( Linux ) is peer reviewed by the public, and is
generally considered more secure than Closed-Source Software ( Windows
), which is reviewed by the company that made it. Windows has gained a
stronghold since Linux became comparably user-friendly much later.
Linux is free to download and use indefinitely.
China is realizing benefits by adapting to this changing technology
landscape, and standardizing on Linux. This gives China a significant
advantage in security, and education, and goes a long way towards
ending their financial dependence on foreign software.
Our government is driven on vehicles whose engines can only be fixed
by paid foreign mechanics. Our cars should be opened to Indian
Microsoft Office, and Windows are opaque to our students. Chinese
students will gain an edge on us by using Linux, an operating system
whose source they can freely study, improve, and share.
Open-Source Software in government and education is recommended.
[View Less]
TI has announced their new series of development board Beaglebone Black for
45$ .
Below the specification of the board:
RAM - 512MB DDR3600 Mhz
Flash - 2GB & SD card
Processor - 1Ghz AM3359
Ethernet10/100 Mbs
USB1 client1 host
Video - HDMI
Audio - Via HDMI
Periperals - SPI, I2C, SPI, CAN, Timers, LCD, MMC, Analog
Siji Sunny
Dear All,
We were overwhelmed by the responses we received from you on our story
'Will Certifications Related to FOSS Help You Get a Job?' This story
definitely wouldn't have happened without your valuable inputs. Please
find the link:….
For our next edition, we are planning to come up with a story on '*What
Takes To Be a FOSS Expert'?* Many of our readers, who are also open
source enthusiasts, seek answers to this …
[View More]question. Would really
appreciate and if you chip in and let us have your views/opinion on the
same. We value your inputs and we are sure, this will help our readers
who are planning to make a career in this terrain.
Looking forward for your inputs.
[View Less]
Come celebrate the release on the new and most-awesome-version-yet of
Ubuntu on Saturday, 27th April 2013 at Elphinstone Building, Fort,
Ubuntu 13.04 installation images and wi-fi access will be available.
For the brave at heart, bring your Android devices and get Ubuntu
Touch flashed to them! For a list of compatible devices, check this: .
Date: 27-04-2013
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Venue: Starbucks Coffee, 10, Elphinstone Building, …
[View More]Horniman Circle,
Veer Nariman Road, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India –
For registration, check this page:…
Best Regards,
[View Less]
Tavish, I couldn't agree more.
It's not BitCoin, it's the idea of private P2P transactions.
It's not Linux, it is the idea of radical transparency.
These things are pioneering technologies, but ultimately, it is their
successors that will thrive.
Greetings fellow-Linuxers,
I have a vision to share with you.
Whether you call it a utopia, or a dystopia, I leave up to you.
There is great power in people's numbers.
I feel that a critical mass is gathering behind FOSS and BitCoin.
I feel that these Davids can potentially overthrow Goliaths.
Please read my latest blog article and share your opinion:…
Subvert …
[View More]the dominant paradigm. Repeat as desired.
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Hi all,
I came to know about this when my alma mater, Thiagarajar College of
Engineering where we have been running our own mail servers with just
free software was asked to migrate to AICTE by pointing the MX records
to some domain of Microsoft.
Here is the release from AICTE -
Here is an article about this on Microsoft's site -…
It already seems to be too late …
[View More]to do anything about this, or is
something possible ?
Thank you
Balachandran Sivakumar
Arise Awake and stop not till the goal is reached.
- Swami Vivekananda
Mail: benignbala(a)
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I am thinking of something like a mobile charger that would plug in a
regular 3-pin plug at one end and a computer at the other, and some
software/sensor combo that would read the (DC) voltage at the computer end.
If there is no voltage, there is no power in the mains and ergo - we are in
the middle of a power outage, so take action. Know of something along these
(idea is to detect power failures, while powered by a "dumb" UPS unit - one
that cannot communicate with the a computer. Any other
I have written an article about China switching to Linux, and the
tremendous opportunities this brings to India. It is available at:
I cordially invite your comments.
Warm Regards,
- Ashwin Dixit.