hello guys,
do anyone knows where i could get dual layer PCB printed, its proxmark3 pcb,
i had contacted some companies but the are too high some asking abt 4000rs
for single PCB
Thank u,
The workshop had around 18 participants and 8 volunteers.
We had Venkatesh Hariharan give the opening talk followed by an immersive
hands-on session on kturtle by Richa Mishra. The afternoon session on
games by Rajeev R.K. was the icing on the cake.
Thanks to the school management who sponsored the entire workshop.
Vikram Vincent
Hello everyone,
The 2015 Mini-DebConf [1], to be held at Indian Institute of Technology,
Mumbai on the 17th and 18th of January, is now seeking presenters. The call
for papers is now out (started on 26th January) and registrations will open
If you are interested in presenting papers / talks or conducting workshops
/ hands-on sessions, please submit an abstract of 100 to 200 words
describing the topic, including its relevance to Debian, to this
email address:
debian [at] …
[View More]shieldofachilles [dot] in
Please provide links to the code, if it is Free Software.
If you have any questions, you can mail them to the Mini-DebConf India
Mailing list [2] or drop into our IRC channel #debian-in [3] on the OFTC
network. Looking forward to have you at the event.
[1] http://in2015.mini.debconf.org/
[2] http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/in.mini/
[3] https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=debian-in
Warm Regards,
[View Less]
The quantom OS team is developing an operating system based upon Linux
which conforms to Google’s Material Design guidelines. The focus will be on
creating a stable and easy-to-use operating system with a heavy emphasis on
well-thought-out design.
Siji Sunny
10.00 am - 10.40 AM Sandhi by Mushir and Akshay
Sandhi is being developed to serve as an open source alternative for
proprietary data acquisition and control applications. It uses graphical
programming concepts.
10.50 am - 11.30 am FreeEDA by Ambikeshwar and Fahim
FreeEDA (previously known as Oscad) is an open source EDA tool for circuit
design, simulation, analysis and PCB design. It is an integrated tool built
using open source software such as KiCad, Ngspice and Scilab .
11.30 - …
[View More]12.15 pm: Open PLC and Anuduino by Nivedita and Akshay
OpenPLC, the first fully open source Programable Logic Controller. Anuduino
is a micro-sized, Arduino compatible USB development board
12.30 pm 1-.30 pm: Open Source Toolchain for Digital Manufacturing by Anool
Learn how OS tools like Inkscape, FreeCad, KiCad have made it very easy to
manufacture products. And how MakerSpaces can help in the process.
Lunch : 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm
2.30 pm - 3.30 pm: IoT Overview and Applications using Open Hardware by
Sachin Pukale
3.30pm - 4.45 pm: IoT demo by Anand George
Showcasing 5 demos involving littleBits, Espruino, Tessel, BeagleBone Black
& Raspberry Pi
5.00 pm -6.00 pm : The Debian Way of Open Source Hardware by Siji Sunny
Introduction to open source hardware boards and getting started with Debian
on ARM
Siji Sunny
[View Less]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vikram Vincent <vincentvikram(a)gmail.com>
Greetings on the occasion of World Toilet Day!
You might be wondering as to what the relationship between the two is :)
While there is no direct correlation, I would suggest that people who are
interested can use this occasion to use OpenStreetMap and map out the
location of toilets in your vicinity. Also map out whether …
[View More]there are
toilets for women and how hygienic they are. While it is good to go on the
streets with brooms and clean the place it is more important to provide a
sewage system where none exists and improve the ones which do exist. So
please help out with a small part.
Vikram Vincent
[View Less]
If any one working on Drupal and ready to do a Project in Drupal 7.0,
Please Contact me Off-list ASAP
Date: 23rd November, 2014 (Sunday)
Time: 12:00 to 18:00 IST
Venue: IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
RSVP: http://meetu.ps/2CdMn0
Entry is free of charge and anyone can attend.
Event schedule (may change later):
1. Open Source Toolchain for Digital Manufacturing: How OS tools like
Inkscape, FreeCad, KiCad have made it very easy to manufacture products.
And how MakerSpaces can help in the process. - Anool Mahidharia
2. Open-Source Hardware - The Debian way: Introduction to open source
[View More]hardware boards and getting started with Debian on ARM. - Siji Sunny
Hope to see some of you there!
Best Regards,
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