hello guys,
do anyone knows where i could get dual layer PCB printed, its proxmark3 pcb,
i had contacted some companies but the are too high some asking abt 4000rs
for single PCB
Thank u,
Hi everyone!
We are excited to announce the ERPNext Conference 2015 on October 9th in Mumbai.
The first half is about how Open Source Software is changing the world. Jordan Hubbard, co-creator of FreeBSD Unix will be the keynote speaker. We also have Kovid Goyal, the creator of Calibre, as a guest speaker. The second half will be about new developments in ERPNext and talks by its users.
In summary, this is a great opportunity for open source enthusiasts&…
[View More]nbsp;to meet, share ideas and network with the community of a successful open source project from India.
We wish that you could make it and participate in this humble event.
Please drop us an email to conference(a)erpnext.com if you have any questions.
More info at: https://conf.erpnext.com/2015
The entry fee is Rs. 600 and it includes lunch.
Thanks for reading.
The ERPNext Team
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See the reports in HT, DNA (14 Sept 15) government has decided to
implement boss in all government domain.
Thats not all, BOSS 6.0 is available for download from bosslinux.in !!
Do not sit quietly now. Be ready with spare computer and review it and
report bugs to CDAC.
Spread this voice loudly !
BOSS Free CD scheme seems started again. (the get FREE CD button was
locked for a long time)
I am extremely happy !! What about you guys ?
Waiting now for Key Video "Ye Bharat Ki Shan Hai,…
[View More] Duniya Me Pehechan Hai
!" to be shown on TV channels.
Milind Oka
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Ref: Unicode Mail-list
The Unicode Consortium is pleased to announce that Facebook has joined as a
full member.
Founded in 2004, Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share
and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay
connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the
world, and to share and express what matters to them.
We look forward to their contributions to Unicode projects and are grateful
for their financial support of the …
[View More]consortium’s work. Full members of the
consortium have a vote in all technical committees, and in the governance
of the consortium. See the complete list of members
Siji Sunny
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