hello guys,
do anyone knows where i could get dual layer PCB printed, its proxmark3 pcb,
i had contacted some companies but the are too high some asking abt 4000rs
for single PCB
Thank u,
We will be having an IRC meeting at 22:00 IST tomorrow (24th Jan, 2016).
Anyone interested in helping out with the event, please join the #debian-in
channel on OFTC. For those of you new to IRC, you can use the following
link to connect to the channel:
Best Regards,
The next Mini-DebConf India will be held on 30th & 31st Jan, 2016 at
Directiplex, Mumbai. If anyone wants to take a discussion-oriented talk or
a workshop around Debian, please contact us on the Debian India Mailing
list (CCed in this email).
Detailed schedule will be made available at the website:
http://in2016.mini.debconf.org/ .
Best Regards,
We are happy to announce that this year's mini-DebConf Mumbai [1] will be
hosted at the office of EIG, Directiplex!
Dates: 30th & 31st Jan, 2016
Timings (on both the days): 09:00 to 19:00
Venue: Directiplex, next to Andheri subway, Old Nagardas road, Andheri (E),
Mumbai - 400069
We will be concentrating of fixing bugs in Debian at this year's mini-DebConf
and discussing how best to organise the Debian community for a possible
future DebConf in India! ;)
If anyone wants to …
[View More]organise any discussion-oriented session or workshop
around Debian at this Mini-DebConf, please contact us on the Mini-DebConf
India mailing list [2].
Registrations are free of charge and anyone can attend. Only spot
registrations will be taken and are subject to availability.
We are looking for sponsors and volunteers to help us make this year's
event a roaring success! Interested parties should contact us.
More details will soon become available on the website [3].
We hope you all will join us in celebrating a successful community that has
grown in leaps and bounds since the operating system's initial announcement.
On behalf of the Debian India community,
[1] https://wiki.debian.org/MiniDebConfMumbai2016
[2] http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/in.mini/
[3] http://in2016.mini.debconf.org/
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Topic : Digital India Aani BOSS Pranali - Part II
Thursday 21-JAN-2016, 7:15 PM to 8:00 PM (After Marathi News)
(Repeat Telecast : next day 22 Jan 2016 at 9:00 am)
(Dish TV #878, TataSky #785, Airtel #559, Videocon #784, Sun Direct
#656, Reliance #900, DD Free Dish #31, DEN # 825)
Anchor : Shri Kumar Ketkar
Participants : Mr.Sunil Chavan, Mr.Milind Oka and Mr.Prahlad Chippalagatti.
BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions) - India's own Operating System.
[View More]Please spread this message in all your groups so as to reach the masses.
Mind Oka, Prahlad Chippalagatti
Mathematics Dept.
S.I.W.S. College
Wadala Mumbai - 400031
(Part - I was telecast on 24 Dec 2015)
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Sharing this sad news.
-- Arun Khan
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mayuresh
Date: Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 9:04 PM
Subject: [PLUG] Ian Murdock, co creator of debian passes away
To: PLUG <plug-mail(a)plug.org.in>
Debian was named after Debra Lynn (his then girlfriend), and himself
(Deb and Ian)
He was just 42 and cause of his death is not made public.
In my efforts to push FOSS in schools and colleges, I am distributing
free and open source softwares in schools and colleges. All projects are
uploaded on source forge.
However I am facing some printing problem executing JAVA code on
bosslinux. I usually print output directly on A4 paper and suppress
print dialog. I wrote the program before I knew BOSS and was working
nicely on windows. On BOSS, the program executes properly but the
default output comes on letter size instead of A4. …
[View More]This trims some left,
right, top and bottom content.
I tried various code snippets to pro grammatically set the paper A4 but
it does not work. I am using cups-pdf and the pdf print is also having
the same problem. I thought first that it was a problem specific to boss
but a friend of mine sent me this.
[Forwarded from Sanjay Patil]
Yes, see
The crucial information is the geographical location,
i.e. the second part of a locale name, for example:
en_GB is English for Great Britain => A4 paper
en_US is English for United States => Letter paper
I think that without an existing geographical location
(in particular for "C" or "POSIX") it is just not possible
to set another paper size than what is the default in the PPD.
Or the fallback should be at least "A4" (if avialable in the PPD)
because I think that A4 paper is more often used in the whole world
than Letter.
Has anybody come across this. Will you please run the following java
code on any other linux version and let me know how it works or send me
the pdf output ? I have already set the default data so just run the
Java file and press the [Print Attendance] button. You will get 23 page
document. Only one page will do for testing. pdf output will be best.
Thanks and regards
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