hello guys,
do anyone knows where i could get dual layer PCB printed, its proxmark3 pcb,
i had contacted some companies but the are too high some asking abt 4000rs
for single PCB
Thank u,
Hi everybody,
Now that we are having the meetings on every second Saturday.
I think we should have a central place to post updates, announcements pictures recorded sessions etc for archiving purpose and also for convenience of others in the group.
Do we have a website? I searched but I couldn't find it. I think we have the domain http://ilug-bom.org.in/ which has a note pointing to the mailing list.
What do you guys think about creating a website?
It can be static, generated via Jekyll or …
[View More]pelican.
Rushabh had an idea of hosting from GitHub pages, I think it is good idea if hosting space is a problem.
In my opinion having a website will surely help newcomers, to know what kind activities happen in the group, before they subscribe to the mailing list.
I also noticed that there is a twitter handle - @ilugbom, although it seems dormant now.
Do we know who has the access to this account? It will be nice if we can tweet the recent happenings in the group such as the PIL by Mr. Milind
What do you guys think?
Raghavendra Kamath
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Hello All,
The next monthly meeting is on 10th June 2017, 15:00 to 17:00, at Don
Bosco Institute of Technology.
Would anyone like to give a talk?
Joe Steeve
HiPro IT Solutions Private Limited
On 30-May-2017 2:20 PM, "Raghavendra Kamath" <raghavendr.raghu(a)gmail.com>
On 2017 May 30 13:59:14, Joe Steeve wrote:
> Ubuntu 16.04 ships with Unity. Canonical is abandoning unity in favour
> of GNOME. In the next LTS, Ubuntu will ship with vanilla GNOME. I
> strongly suggest that we dont put users through this shock. Lets
> introduce them to vanilla GNOME from the start.
I agree, you might also want to consider K.D.E plasma as it is close to
windows paradigm, …
[View More]will make the transition easy.
But this is just my opinion.
The windows paradigm is anyways in plus at the moment, and has been ever
since win8 and it's metro ui. So targeting it is anyways no longer useful.
Plus, with the majority of systems defaulting to gnome, a distros like
fedora that provides one of the cleanest gnome 3 desktops is ideal here.
And it plays well with a centos server, providing long term stability and a
rock solid platform for network infrastructure services.
> I would also suggest that we consider Debian. Debian is far more mature
> and stable.
I agree with this too, I had only one concern though, we need to check if
the newer machines are supported in Debian Stretch (or jessy?)
In the last meeting, I noticed that Principal Jude's new machine had
skylake processor and linux mint 17.3 was installed on it. Mint 17.3 being
based upon Ubuntu LTS 14.04(which is from 2014) it lacks skylake support
(As far as I know)
So his audio was not working, We need to check if 'stretch' has a
considerable newer kernel with support for recent hardware that the school
is procuring.
Another place where fedora scores. It closely tracks the current kernel
releases, meaning it has the most complete hardware driver support,
especially in categories like wifi, GPU (GPL) and motherboard integrated
Also I feel 2 gb ram mentioned in earlier email is a bit on the lower end.
Please do keep in mind that anything we suggest will be perceived as linux
experience, and if anything doesn't work or becomes a hassle for them, it
will be a bad case for linux from their point of view.
As they say first impression always matters, So please suggest
specifications carefully.
Which is why we are coordinating a test installer image to deploy at the
school to see it's performance...
R. K. Rajeev
Thank you
Raghavendra Kamath
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Hi All,
Below are some points need to be consider before the initiate Migration.
Points Details Remarks
OS Flavour Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Recommended system requirements:
2 GHz dual core processor or better
2 GB system memory
25 GB of free hard drive space
Architecture 32 bit or 64 bit ?
Additional Required Packages ?? Builtin Packages--Browser --- Chromium,
Mail Client --- Thunderbird
Office tools --- LibreOffice
Media Player --- VLC player
Image editor --- Gimp
Any Server Services …
[View More]Required ?? Example:- Samba server, FTP server
Add in case i missed anything.
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As per schedule our next meetup will be on 10th June.
What is the plan for it, any talks or mini workshops?
Rushabh's team had a presentation that was postponed in last meetup, Do you guys plan on having it in this meet?
Also as some of you may know we are helping St. Mary's School (mumbai) to migrate from windows environment to linux on 3rd June.
Someone (I think Benoy) had an idea that we should have a meetup there, those who attend can help us setup the workstations.
We can make it a …
[View More]Install Fest. What do you guys think?
Thank you
Raghavendra Kamath
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As the subject line suggests, How do you guys verify digital signatures in pdf documents, mainly in e-adhaar pdf obtained from UIDAI website.
As far as I searched the feature is not available in most of the libre pdf readers like evince or okular. There are some threads on internet that poppler(the pdf library) is going to get this feature soon.
What do you guys do to validate the signature? Which software or workaround do you use?
thank you
Raghavendra Kamath
I just head about the Hurd kernel from a link from your website and I'm
kinda curious about it. What exactly is the Hurd kernel and what are
some of the advantage/disadvanges compared to linux?