hello guys,
do anyone knows where i could get dual layer PCB printed, its proxmark3 pcb,
i had contacted some companies but the are too high some asking abt 4000rs
for single PCB
Thank u,
Hi All,
I'm Sriram, based out of Chennai. I have my laptop which is dual boot
(windows and Linux drivers).
I would like to format my system and keep a fresh Linux os (Ubuntu or
anything else).
I'm looking for Linux users group to whom I can take my system. Requesting
your help in sorting this.
Hello All,
The September 2018 meeting of "Indian Linux User Group, Mumbai (ILUG-
BOM)", will be held on 8th September 2018, 15:00 to 16:30 IST.
IT Lab 4, 3rd Floor, A - Wing,
Department of Information Technology,
Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Kurla (W).
10 min from Vidyavihar Station (W).
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/fRQoetu97Vp
1. 30 …
[View More]minutes: Introductions
2. Using git - Mr.Nilesh, Mr.Tayyabali
Everyone is welcome :)
Joe Steeve
HiPro IT Solutions Private Limited
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The meeting started exactly at 3 pm.In the beginning, speaker Sooraj
Dhanuka explained the terms Blue Ocean and Red Ocean. Most of the attendees
were not aware of these terms.
"Blue ocean" is a slang term for the uncontested market space for an
unknown industry or innovation. Blue oceans are sectors associated with
high potential profits.In an established industry, companies compete with
each other for every piece of available market share. The competition is
often so intense that some firms …
[View More]cannot sustain themselves. This type of
industry describes a red ocean, representing saturated market share
bloodied by competition.
Sooraj then gave lot of examples of how the Blue oceans gradually became
Red. Later, he gave examples of FOSS related blue oceans and the
opportunities for startups. He descirbed his own experience when he tried
to explore those sectors.It was an interesting speech, especially for
students who could take some inspiration from Sooraj.
In the next session we had lot of discussion on various activities that
ILUG-BOM would like to initiate. The team asked new participants about what
they really expect from ILUG meets. It was then decided to conduct sessions
for Students, Teachers and Computer Novices on basic skills like - using
Linux,using Libre Office, creating Word Press Websites etc.
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Hello All,
The August 2018 meeting of "Indian Linux User Group, Mumbai (ILUG-
BOM)", will be held on 11th August 2018, 15:00 to 16:30 IST.
IT Lab 4, 3rd Floor, A - Wing,
Department of Information Technology,
Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Kurla (W).
10 min from Vidyavihar Station (W).
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/fRQoetu97Vp
1. 30 minutes: …
[View More]Introductions
2. 60 minutes: "FOSS & Blue Oceans" - Sooraj Dhanuka
Everyone is welcome :)
Joe Steeve
HiPro IT Solutions Private Limited
[View Less]
> at bottom :-
> On 07/08/2018, Kumar Appaiah <a.kumar(a)alumni.iitm.ac.in> wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 07, 2018 at 08:19:49AM +0530, Rigved Rakshit wrote:
> >> Thanks everyone for submitting the bid for DebConf in India.
> >>
> >> If we are thinking of IIT Mumbai as a venue for DebConf 20, then we need
> >> to
> >> make sure that IIT Mumbai gives us solid WiFi and mobile carrier signals
> >> in
> >> the campus. …
[View More]During the Mini-DebConf there, we had big issues with
> >> internet
> >> connectivity. This is something which we can easily fix with help of
> >> current students.
> >
> > As someone who works in IIT Bombay and a member of Debian, I can make
> > this happen. We have quite a big operation in IITB with regard to FOSS
> > push, and Debian is one of our major work items.
True, our experience with IIT Mumbai (and FOSSEE team) was amazing and
organized 4-5 OpenSource events (including MIniDebConf) in last couple of
years and all went well.
As mentioned by Rigved, there was few challenge from the connectivity point
of view, which I believe we can address very smartly, since we have enough
time to plan. My company is working in the domain of Wireless
Network/Internet, so getting a dedicated high speed Fiber connectivity for
the event won't be a challenge.
> >> We have good volunteer numbers in Pune and Mumbai combined, for on the
> >> ground support before the event (if it does happen). Also, Mumbai has
> >> many
> >> hotels to accommodate a large contingent and the IIT campus is large
> >> enough
> >> to accommodate multiple parallel tracks. Plus, we have many good
> >> sightseeing places nearby the city.
> >
> > Indeed. I'll be happy to facilitate and participate.
> >
> > Kumar
> > --
> > Kumar Appaiah
> >
> >
> We would be counting on you Kumar as well as people from IIT-B, people
> from Mumbai LUG for your co-operation in making this a reality but
> first we would need to do whole lot of minidebconfs to increase the
> bench-strength and making people more aware about Debian and free
> software practices.
I completely agree with you, we will be able to schedule 1-2 MiniDebConf in
Mumbai before 2020. @rigved , @lugmum team, I think we should initialize
this in our next Monthly meeting.
> --
> Regards,
> Shirish Agarwal शिरीष अग्रवाल
> My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
> http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/
> http://flossexperiences.wordpress.com
> EB80 462B 08E1 A0DE A73A 2C2F 9F3D C7A4 E1C4 D2D8
Siji Sunny
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