We need to define a procedure for signing up for a project and Mentor- Student responsibilities.
I have the few suggestions..
The mentor is required to bring in domain knowledge to the project. The mentor will decide the scope of the project. [in consultation with students based on project requirements etc] The mentor is involved in an advisory and guiding position in all phases of the project [planning, design, coding, testing, documentation etc] Mentor may choose to perform part of the coding or he may not. Students will be involved in all phases of the project and should commit in principle to stick to the end of the project. Mentor may choose to request some one for independant quality assessment...[at least for non corporate projects]
More questions we need to find answers to: If mentors for a project are decided merely on volunteer basis, then we need functionality to support a wish list. where someone not qualified or not having enough time to be a mentor can put up a project that someone takes up as a mentor. Will the mentor decide how big a team is required...& will we have projects that students cannot sign up for? How will a student sign up? [ i guess we need to create a page for that]
- Shankar