On Sat, 28 Aug 2004, Rony Bill spake thusly:
could configure the internet accounts and surf online using an external modem. However, the printouts in my LX 300 were never upto the same quality as in my Windows Me. The OpenOffice suite took longer to open in Linux than in Win. But the major problem was that printer could not get setup in OO so I would create docs in OO and
Printing on GNU/Linux is still pretty young. But it is evolving fast. The problems for hardware support are the user community : folks in India should take a lead in writing drivers for common hardware here, who's support is bad or non existent. How many drivers are written here? I think we should start a coordinated effort for that, so that newbies and oldies can all contribute. The problem mostly is how to start.
- Identify commonly used hardware that can be configured to give
equaly good results in Linux too especially printers, modems. Scanners is another problem with Linux. None of the flavours I tried could setup my Canon D646u. A driver converter mentioned in point 2 could come in handy.
I think such list's exist.
wanted to share with you. As I go on in the RHCE course, I will learn more.
We live, we learn .. :)
At the least you will enjoy you time with GNU/Linux, I assure you.