already have squashfs module. But the .bin file was from some other site. will dump mtd0 and mtd1 and try.
I have used netgear NB5 files. It is same with minor changes. If you need, i can mail you my new files system.
The data sheet is required to locate JTAG,
I think the jtag port is the 10 pin header (not mounted) behind the 5 pin serial header.
second serial port, and I/O
Could it be J2 and j3.
Any idea about I/o pins? 8 LED pins are output pins. Any idea about other I/o pins? Warm Regards,
Mukund Deshmukh, Director, Beta Computronics Pvt Ltd, 10/1 IT Park, Parsodi, Near VRCE Exchange, Nagpur -440022 Cell 9422113746