Hello Friends,
Some of you might have heard regarding Linux based open source mobile phone OpenMoko. OpenMoko is a GNU / Linux based open software development platform. Developers have full access to OpenMoko source and they can tailor their implementations to underlying hardware platforms.
If interested read more at http://www.openmoko.com/index.html
For details of Standard Kit please check link below. http://www.openmoko.com/products-neo-base-00-stdkit.html This is a Developer Versionhttp://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Developer_previewVersion. Currently its priced at 300$ (Approx INR 12300) and doesn't have stable OS as well as complete applications.
The Consumer Version will be available in October and will be priced at 450$. Apart from better hardware, it will have stable OS and good applications. Read more at http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/GTA02#.22Phase_2.22_.28GTA02.2C_.22Mass_Market...
I am very much interested in buying this phone, one problem is high transportation cost. It costs around 90$ for 1 piece from Taiwan to Mumbai. If three pieces are ordered it costs around 120$. So average total cost of mobile comes out to be 340$ i.e. approx 14000.
Is anyone interested in buying this phone? Comments and questions are welcome.