Dear All, Hi i am Swapnil Kedar, working as EDP Mngr at colaba. This is my first mail. i have joined the forum yesterday. Please Help me to find right docs / tutorial for LDAP, RADUIS, DNS servers running on IBM AIX RS6000 SP machine. I will be very thankfull coz its kinda urgent.
Welcome to the community. Few things to be done before posting. A) Search for relevant terms on google. B) Search Mailing List archives if things have been discussed earlier. C) Have a proper subject line which would be more meaningful. D) Read the guidelines document thorougly, to make sure you dont get flames for your posts.
Infact your answer lies in the keywords that you posted in the mail. Google for : AIX LDAP Radius DNS RS6000 and you shall find some good doc.
Also AIX comes with its own proprietory Radius server as seen here : http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.ai...
Get registered with IBM's Developeworks portal, you shall find more howtos over here : http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/eserver/library/es-radius1/
Its wonderfull to get in touch with people who share the same passion
- Linux Rules.
Linux surely Rules, but you are using AIX ;) thats propreitary Unix :)
Thanks & Regards, Mitul Limbani, Founder & CEO, Enterux Solutions, The Enterprise Linux Company (TM), www.enterux.com