My question is, how to avoid message recycling on gmail? or for a newbie what (not) to do to not recycle?
Why bottom posting? My reasoning; some years ago google search for "linux" returned with mailing lists archives. reading the replies helped me a lot, if the mailing list etiquettes were followed on list it became easier to understand the progression of a problem from identification to the solution. even with outputs pasted in posts.
This is not the case today and search strings land me up to some forum where quoting is automatically arranged.
Why top posting is a problem? in case of newbie search string like "Installing internet with click9online mahim mumbai on linux" :-) searcher might land up in a confused system of posting and be more confused. I hope this thread will help us discuss everything about etiquettes here
Note: for few times, unaware of the meaning, I top posted. I rarely post anyways, but now I always take effort to bottom post
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