Philip S Tellis [Sun Nov 04, 2001 at 11:01:58PM +0530]:
Sometime Today, Ritesh H Shukla assembled some asciibets to say:
PS: No, I haven't tried ext3, so... tell me why I should.
I use it because I need not now worry about data loss due to someone throwing the wrong switch, or my kiddo pushing the reset button while I am working on my pc; I still can't figue out how he knows to push only the reset button and not the turbo button :(
And besides, converting to ext3 from ext2 (or for that matter even the other way around) is a piece of cake. Forget reformatting, you don't even need to unmount the file system. If you put auto instead of ext3 in /etc/fstab you can even use an older kernel which will mount the partitions as ext2. To convert ext2 to ext3 just do
tune2fs -j /dev/hdxx
for the appropriate partition and this too just once.
press the reset switch and watch your machine bootup w/o an fsck !!
The maintainers even suggest switching off the mandatory fsck than comes on after the usual 20 reboots.