On Saturday 21 May 2005 8:46 pm, Rony Bill wrote:
As I happen to still use windows and advise customers to buy Win XP to get regular updates and updates for the updates,
Why all this finger-pointing? I am an unhappy Windoze user thanks to some stupid company project; and I have to put up with the suffering everyday.
As for the Windows support et al. According to what their ads on TV say, Windows actually helps "start anything"... but mark my words, it also makes sure that whatever got started stops working. Don't believe me? Learn some C and have a look at the stolen code floating around on the Net.
Would you put diesel in a petrol-driven car? You just can't throw hardware at GNU/Linux and expect things to work. Before you buy that new gizmo, make sure you have a look at the hardware compatibility lists. GNU/Linux delivers what it promises; if there's something it can't deliver, it doesn't promise.
Why complain that Windows allows me to do this, and GNU/Linux doesn't allow me to do it? GNU/Linux and Windows are different; not clones. Besides that you'd be just complaining "there's no sauce on my burger". GNU/Linux world is a self-service world; make your own sauce and pour.
And JTD, get a life; choose a better subject line next time :P