On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Bhargav Bhatt wrote:
Lets say that Microsoft, to stay at the top, employs a few developers who are skilled at both GNU/Linux and Windows. Microsoft, then asks them to write a clone of the linux kernel for incorporating large chunks of it, maybe even the kernel in its entirety, into the next version of windows. Since M$ is the still the leader, they
but the kernel architecture (monolithic / macrolithic / hybrid (?)) of Windows and Linux is different right ? Also there is difference between Windows 9x and NT kernel
AFAIK Linux kernel was written keeping in mind POSIX nd I guess POSIX nd Windows don't go together
Also I think you are assuming that Linux is the *best* kernel available (BTW what happened to HURD ?) which arguably is not the case
I've seem ppl on Usenet (Microsoft Developers well versed with GNU/Linux) refer to Windows 2000 with reverence. I too think that Microsoft did come up with something 'stable' with Windows 2000
I mean when I look at Windows Xp ; it iz a hybrid of Win 9x and Windows 2000 right? I guess Microsoft will continue to improve the existing Win2K kernel in its quest for the most stable Windows Operating System...
So IMHO Microsoft may take 'inspiration' frm Linux Kernel nd I think it is perfectly ethical and legal (acc to GPL) to do so...
-- Nikhil Joshi