On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Joel A Divekar <joel_divekar@rediffmail.com
Hi Friends I recently purchased HP J028tx laptop which came along with pre installed Windows 8. I plan to get rid of windows 8 completely and install Ubuntu, but would like to know how to retain Windows 8 licence as no windows license key was provided along with the laptop. I may need the license to setup virtual instance for testing connectivity with Samba ADs server. Kindly advice
Joel Divekar Mumbai -- http://mm.ilug-bom.org.in/mailman/listinfo/linuxers
One more worry about this laptop is going to be the GPT partitioning scheme instead of the MBR partitioning scheme - but its not a big issue really if you don't care about the recovery partitions et al.