On Wed, 2007-08-01 at 16:55 +0530, Meghnathan Naidu wrote:
I am trying to install fedora core 5 in one of our server, problem was
FC5 is discontinued.
file:66: *** Linux kernel source not found. stop."
This error is not cryptic. It needs the kernel source so download the kernel source RPM and install it. If you need help with that, post in this list.
Now, the advice part.
1. Fedora has a short development cycle. In 1 year they obsolete their older versions. They dont support it any more. So if you're looking to build a server Fedora isn't really the way to go unless you are ok to reinstall the OS every year or so.
2. Use Debian / Gentoo. They're really amazing and are good as server OSes. Someone already suggested Cent OS. Cent OS is same as RHEL except the proprietary stuff.