I plan to buy a wireless modem/router of my own before booking the connection. Can you guys suggest some good make/model# of wireless modem/router that work smoothly with both linux and mtnl?
Lamington Road (Grant Road) is a good place for Computer Hardware.
I'd suggest taking the cheapest ADSL modem that Mtnl will give you, and taking a Netgear / Linksys Wireless router.
I use a Netgear 54 Mbps WGR 614 http://cgi.ebay.in/Netgear-54-Mbps-WGR-614-Wireless-WiFi-Router-54-Mbps-/320529906394?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_203&hash=item4aa1123ada which works very well for a 1500 - 2000 sq feet area.
Linux compatibility isn't an issue with it.