* Here is the initial design document for FOSSDevConf , Please feel free to contact us.
Date of document : 30 March 2010
What is FOSSDevConf ? *FOSSDevConf is the yet another conference for Free and Open Source Developers. This is a true Developer to Developer Conference. *Who can speak at FOSSDevConf ? * Developer and FOSS contributors (Activist, Supporter, Business using FOSS etc) provided they follow Rules and Guidelines of FOSSDevConf. If you are working on any un-finished FOSS project, you are most welcome to show it to get more developers. You can put your stall. There is no fees needed for speakers. *Who can attend this ? * Any one. All you need to pay fees of conference if any. *What is difference between FOSSDevConf and other workshop ?* Basically we trying to show a true spirit of Open World = (Open Content, Open Innovations, Open Standards, Open Source/Free Software). For this we are imposing some guidelines on everybody who are part of it. *What are Strict Rules and Terms of Workshop ?
- *For Audience* - no rules applied. but we expect tweets and blog to get real feedback. - *For Speakers*
- *ODF/HTML5 : *Presentation must be shown using ODF (Open Office format) Or other Open Technology like HTML5. - *NO-DOC , NO-DOCx : *Any speaker who use Microsoft /MAC technology will be disqualified to present. - *OGG : *You are only allowed to use Ogg music/video for demo. Any video with .mp4 Or other format will disqualify your selection. - *GNU/Linux : *You are allowed to carry Any Laptop with Any Operating System over it But you can only plug your laptop to projector if you have GNU/Linux OS over it. If you do not carry such laptop then you can ask organiser to arrange one for you. - *Copyright Policy : *Every Speakers are advised to make a account on main FOSSDevConf Server. They must submit their presentation Or videos before the timeline. However your presentation will be made public during workshop. All your presentations and other stuff will be licensed under "CC-By-SA" Or public domain. You have to choose either of two license. - *NO-MONO : *You cannot show your product/demos which are made using mono technology. - *NO-FLASH : *We are not entertaining Flash/Flex or other related technology. Please use SVG. - *No-Patents : *You cannot show any technology for which you have applied patent. - *For Organiser* - *Video Recording : *You must provide video recording for all speaker. All Video Recording must be uploaded to our common server using Ogg format - *Images : *All the Images must be uploaded to our common server using PNG format. - *GNU/Linux : *All the Software needed for conducting workshop must be Open Source/Free Software. You must not use Windows or Mac for workshop. - *Free-of-Cost to Speaker : *you can only charge fees to audience but you cannot charge to speaker. we advice you to pay money for - *Free Lunch* : You must provide free lunch and evening snacks to all. - *No-Coke : *You must not use Cocacola during workshop. - Please do not become organiser if you do not know the whole philosophy of Open World. - *Copyright Policy : *Please make sure that all the presentation or other stuff goes under "CC-By-Sa" license, for these copyright holder must be the original author. The uploaded video of workshop which is recorded by FOSSDevConf team must be copyrighted by FOSSDevConf and released under CC-By-Sa License. - *NO-nonfree Distribution* : you must not help any speaker or Organiser to distribute any non-free software or content. Anything which you can distribute in FOSSDevConf must have either CC-By-SA license Or FOSS license. - *NO-FLASH, NO-MONO : *you must not use flash or mono Or any technology - *T-Shirt* : You must provide TShirt to all audience. - Tshirt may or may not contain all sponsors but it should not highlight a particular sponsors in misleading ways - The Design of Tshirt must be uploaded in SVG/PNG format using CC-By-SA license. - *Gift to Speaker : *You must provide gifts to speakers. - *Free Stall* : you must provide free of cost space to stall for the project which are meant for non-profit. Selling FOSS goods like Tshirt other things are treated as non-profit. - *For Sponsors* - *No Interference :* You are not allowed to make inference in FOSSDevConf specially on rules and guidelines. - *No Brandmixing :* any company which have their name similar to FOSSDevConf like FOSSDevCenter, FOSSDevGroup etc are not allowed to sponsor the event.
*Why these rules and guidelines ? *Basically a true FOSS lover who is well aware of all issues in Open World and he/she has these rules in his/her mind. but I have seen some new conference which ignore one or other layer. So basically we are trying to show a true Open Conference. most of the developers are happy to see such guidelines. * How Can I organise FOSSDevConf in my City ?* You are allowed to use FOSSDevConf brand in any city provided you can impose these rules and guidelines on yourself and on speaker. We are totally open people who strongly believe in full freedom. We are just providing a medium. We are working on this isssue ! *Suggestion :* Yup, current contact me, narendra.sisodiya AT gmail.com