Sometime Today, RB cobbled together some glyphs to say:
I would like to know where exactly I am going wrong in the installation
you didn't get all dependencies. you could choose to get them by hand - which I what I did everytime until the last time, or you can get it using yum/apt-get - which is what I did the last time.
or what am I overlooking and thats causing these problems. The yum is for installing balance packages from the distro cd or directly from the
either. yum can install from any source that you tell it to. I believe there's a file called /etc/yum.something where you can add sources.
When I was setting up FC1, there was a page on setting up yum repositories. I just did a search for multimedia on fc4 howto, and I got this link:
which I think is very similar to the one that I had seen. It'll really help you.
internet. Do I need an active net connection while doing this?
Will yum automatically look for relevant sites?
no, you need to add them to /etc/yum.whatever, but the page I gave you lists the primary sources that need to be added, and how to add them.
Will yum be the end of all my linux installation woes?
nope, but it will ease some of your pain. Stick with it, you're an expert now ;)