Trevor Warren wrote:
Release Candidate 3 of 1.1.1 is ready for download. — Louis Suarez-Potts, Community Manager of the project, says Release Candidate 3 of 1.1.1 is currently available for download and test. It incorporates numerous bug fixes and is cleaner than RC1, he says. Suarez-Potts requests that members of the community test this release to ensure that no outstanding ...
May be not related to the OpenOffice but is anyone able to achive as simple as getting all application to show the same number of printers and that too in the same order across all application, without hacking each of the configuration/rc files of each appliaction?
Applications like OpenOffice Acroread mozilla
All normal office productivity application. I use Debian, how simple it is to do this say in Redhat or any other distribution with diskless setup, any comments?