On 24-Dec-06, at 4:28 AM, Harsh Busa wrote:
this lug is acc to me pretty much reduced to a mailing list. lug meets have dwindled ( thanks to recent meet there is some hope though ) . no knowledge / information is getting channelized into reusable form. do we have answers to that. probably yes. do we want to do something towards it is something probably the list has to answer .
this is a problem faced by all lugs in the country. Installation issues are now trivial. A lug that sticks to installation issues is going nowhere. No doubt there are newbies with questions, but with easy internet access, the dont really *need* the lug lists. It is time to focus on higher things. Or the lugs will die out - as they have no function. I personally feel it is time to focus on software, programming, applications, localisation rather than installation related issues. And in depth workshops, projects, training camps, student mentoring - there are moves in this direction in Delhi and Chennai. Which is keeping these lugs alive physcially - not merely as mailing lists. And these two seem to be the only lugs that are growing. Because of this trend? Or the weather?