osric fernandes wrote:
On Feb 1, 2008 1:54 PM, Rony wrote:
Hello All,
I am back to using Etch-Kde and while the machine is idle, it shows occasional net activity. Netstat shows the following entries posted below. Why are bbc, rocky-mountain, steffani and such sites being contacted? How do I disable this?
Try netstat --program to list the PID & name of the process owning the connection
An update to the query. I removed all extra themes that I had put in Iceweasel ( Firefox ) and Icedove ( Thunderbird ) and now the situation is better.
tcp 15 0 debian.local:58466 rocky-mountain.csai:ftp CLOSE_WAIT 4064/ftp tcp 0 0 debian.local:40620 linux.csie.nctu.edu:www ESTABLISHED4068/http tcp 0 0 debian.local:49865 rocky-mountain.cs:36253 ESTABLISHED4064/ftp tcp 1 0 debian.local:37232 steffani.debian.org:www CLOSE_WAIT 4067/http tcp 1 0 debian.local:34737 ftp.de.debian.org:www CLOSE_WAIT 4065/http tcp 1 0 debian.local:34737 ftp.de.debian.org:www CLOSE_WAIT 4065/http tcp 1 0 debian.local:39468 ns24102.ovh.net:www CLOSE_WAIT 4066/http
Why are programs like http and ftp accessing websites on their own?