Yeah its available on their website, also if you have the reliance phone the support guys can give it to you. Here is a link which can help you configure it on linux.
Regards, Keith
<P> On Tue, 13 Jan 2004 Keith Fernandez wrote :<BR> >Reliance provides software for linux, so it works for a fact, <BR> <BR> Hey Kieth, are you talking about making their Desktop Mobil phones which can be used to connect to the internet using the data cable?<BR> <BR> I have tried that on Windows and yeah, the speed actually sucks big time.<BR> <BR> But how can I configure the same in Linux. Can you give me the url for the Linux s/w (if it is the same thing I'm talking about).<BR> <BR> Thanks,<BR> Bye </P> <br><br> <A target="_blank" HREF=""><IMG SRC=" /inbox.htm@Bottom" BORDER=0 VSPACE=0 HSPACE=0 HEIGHT=74 WIDTH=496></a>