Hi I login as root and do all my work. But there are times when I need to login as a user abhijeet and do my work especially when I have to commit my code to cvs. I do that using
su abhijeet konqueror &
This starts konqueror and then I use the cervisia plugin in konqueror and commit my work in CVS using the user abhijeet.
This was working well untill yesterday when it started giving foll errors and konqueror (and other apps) refused to launch. Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified konqueror: cannot connect to X server :0.0
At the server end (The console form where I run startx) also it gives errors. X: client 16 rejected from local host.
I suspected it to be a problem with the /root/.Xauthority so I replaced the file with a blank file. Now although it gives new errors, Session management error: Could not open network socket QSettings: failed to open file '/usr/lib/qt-3.1/etc/settings/qt_plugins_3.1rc' knoqueror launches. But I need to replace .Xauthority with a new file every time reboot.
If anyone knows the soluton or can throw some light on the problem please let me know.
regards Abhijeet D Mhatre