The Watts Humphrey Software Quality Institute and The S-Team Solutions are organizing an SEI executive strategy seminar on "Team Software Process" in Mumbai on May 27th. The speaker is certified by SEI at Carnegie Mellon Univ.
It is intended for top management of software intensive companies. PSP/TSP addresses issues of quality and project schedules in software projects. These concepts were pioneered by Dr. Watts Humphrey, a software engineering guru and a Fellow at SEI.
For more details, please go thru the attached brochure or check out the seminar website: http://www21.brinkster.com/TSPSeminar
It may be of interest to you and your colleagues. Please forward it to friends and colleagues who may find it interesting.
Thank You, The S-Team Solutions
===== ninad purohit ninadonline(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)in have a nice day :-)
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