Thnx to sameer for some light on fsf and opensource in general. But then again particularly for Mr. Dsouza,
Does China make a lot of business sense? or IBM, or HP or Trolltech.
No sir, china does not make business sense to me. It has a huge market but has redtape so mind boggling that the Indian threads seems like just a few knots. Mindless name throwing does not help matters. Even the great Enron fell hard!! Every company has it's own way of dealing with cost cutting measures and dealing with competition. Read .. Microsoft
If you are gong to talk about large corporations then am sorry I was talking about the SSI unit. My fault, I should have specified. 90% of the SSI's operate on pirated software. Ideology in these parts, exists after money!
FSF is not a bussiness nor are opensource coders interested in the
success or failure of your business. It is your job to utilise and contribute to the resources of freesoftware and make your bussiness a success doing so.
Quoting from "Open Source Initiative exists to make this case to the commercial world." unquote.
If you do not have the mental horse power to
understand the complexities of free software (or software for that matter) stick to closed source (while it lasts).
Let's not fight shall we? :)
What are you planning a "Nigerian" vapour ware scam. If the above
reasons do not make sense I wonder what does.
Money makes sense to me. I don't mean money in an ideal world but in the real world. The very company which was earlier heralded by many for its contribution to opensource has been later thrashed for its newest licensing policies. Read REDHAT.
google for TCO for linux and you will know why.
Well I have also found copies(hope not) maybe privately funded ) stating otherwise! :/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Iam willing to listen ....
------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a manufacturing unit specializing in certain mechanical components of machines. They make extensive use of Tally(accounting) & AutoCAD. They use pirated copies of software, lack the monetary horsepower to buy the real thing. Even if they did, they as of now don't see ay real value in converting when things work just fine. You tell me how do I convince them to convert? Or why should I ask them to convert?